Are some people born clever and others
born stupid Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience
Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent, our
intelligence is given us at birth. On the other hand, a child who lives in
boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich
and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at
birth, whether or, not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.
This view, now held by most exports, can be supported in a number of
ways. It A. Surroundings B. Dependence on Environment C. Intelligence D. Effect of Education [单选题]甲状旁腺素对血钙的调节主要是通过
A.肝和胆 B.胰和胆 C.骨和肾 D.脑垂体 E.肠和胃 [简答题]案情:2005年1月1日,甲与乙口头约定,甲承租乙的一套别墅,租期为五年,租金一次付清,交付租金后即可入住。洽谈时,乙告诉甲屋顶有漏水现象。为了尽快与女友丙结婚共同生活,甲对此未置可否,付清租金后与丙入住并办理了结婚登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在电焊作业或其他有火花、熔融源等的场所使用的安全带或安全绳应有隔热防磨套。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]建设工程组织非节奏流水施工时的特点包括()。
A. 各专业工作队不能在施工段上连续作业 B. 各施工过程在各施工段的流水节拍不全相等 C. 相邻专业工作队的流水步距不尽相等 D. 专业工作队数小于施工过程数 E. 有些施工段之间可能有空闲时间 [单选题]给休克患者快速大量输血补液时,掌握量和速度,根据以下哪一项指标( )
A.面色和肢端温度 B.颈静脉充盈情况 C.根据已丧失量 D.血压和脉搏 E.血压和中心静脉压 [单选题]当高层建筑每层建筑面积大于1500㎡但不大于4500㎡时,应设( )台消防电梯。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [填空题]正线可动心道岔长心轨探测区域轨头和轨底坡面应打磨除锈,除锈长度大于探测范围两端各( )mm,轨脚、轨底连接圆弧处的锈蚀油污必须清除干净。
[单选题]二类高层民用建筑的中庭屋顶承重构件采用金属结构时,应采取外包敷不燃烧材料、喷涂防火涂料等措施,其耐火极限不应小于( ),或设置自动喷水灭火系统。
A.0.5h B.0.75h C.1.0h D.1.5h [单选题]《安徽省农村商业银行系统固定资产贷款管理办法》规定,合同约定专门( )的,贷款人应按约定根据需要对固定资产投资项目或借款人的收入现金流进入该账户的比例和账户内的( )提出要求。
A.借款人帐户、资金平均流量 B.还款准备金帐户、资金平均存量 C.支付帐户、资金平均流量 D.资金回笼帐户、资金平均存量 [单选题]铁路信号分为视觉信号和( )。
A.通用信号 B.手信号 C.音响信号 D.听觉信号 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Public and Private Schools in the Unite States
Religious and private schools receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States, and,as a result,are usually somewhat expensive to_________(51).The largest group of religious schools in America__________(52)by the Roman Catholic Church.While religious schools tend to be__________(53)expensive than private schools,there are usually some fees. When there is free education available to all children in the Unite States,why do people_______(54)money on private schools?Americans offer________(55)great variety of reasons for doing so,including the desire of some parents to_________(56)their children to schools_________(57)classes tend to be smaller,or where religious instruction is included as part of the educational program,or because,________(58)their opinion,the public schools in their area are not________(59)high enough quality to meet their needs.Private schools in the Unite States_________(60)widely in size,quality,and in the kind of program that are offered to meet _________(61)of certain students. The degree_________(62)American parents are active in their children's schools is often _________(63)to people of other countries.Most schools have organizations__________(64)of both parents and teachers,usually called P. T. A for Parent-Teacher-Association.They meet together to__________(65)various matters concerning the school. Parents often give their time to help with classroom or after school activities. _________(60) A.differ B.varies C.extend D.differs [单项选择]以下16~20题根据下表所给出的B企业2010年12月31日有关损益类账户结账前的余额进行计算选择。 金额:元