In recent years,there has been an
increasing awareness of the inadequacies of the judicial system in the United
States.Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants and,the
litigants,or parties,have to wait sometimes many years before having their day
in court.Many suggestions have been made concerning methods of ameliorating the
situation but,as in most branches of government,changes come slowly. One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the systems is to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a backlog.Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences,in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their attorneys in order to narrow the issues,limit the witnesses,and provide for a A. to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts B. to establish small-claims courts C. to request plaintiffs to waive the fight to jury trial and the fight to appeal the decision D. to use pretrial conferences [判断题]因为磁铁的 N 极和 S 极总是成对出现的,所以磁力线总是闭合的。
( ) A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在临近10kV带电导线和设备作业时最小距离不小于(),与邻近或交叉其他10kV电力线路的安全距离不得小于()。
A.0.7m B.1m C.1.2m D.1.5m [单选题]水枪后应留有( )米左右的机动水带。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D.40 [单选题](6256)孔的公差带在轴的公差带之上这种配合称为( )。
A.间隙配合 B.过盈配合 C.过渡配合 D.不确定 [判断题]某单位管阀班在#1机低位水箱加装喷淋管,检修工李某在使用角向作业时,砂轮片突然破裂,碎片将其右眼框打伤。根据上述事实,根本原因是砂轮片质量有问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于玷污层以下叙述错误的是()
A. 玷污层内含有变性的有机质、牙本质碎屑、牙本质小管液、细菌等 B. 进入牙本质小管形成管塞 C. 有利于修复体与牙体的密合 D. 降低牙本质的通透性 E. 影响粘结剂的湿润和渗入 [简答题]电路的基本物理量有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《旅游列车开行管理办法》规定,旅游列车除经批准的中途站、折返站及有伤病旅客交接
等特殊情况外,其他站不得为旅游列车提供旅客乘降服务。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在发生的危险,不得已采取的紧急避险行为,造成损害的,负刑事责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交