Opinion polls are now beginning to show
an unwilling general agreement that, whoever is to (21) and
whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This
means we shall have to find ways of (22) the available
employment more widely. But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to (23) employment as the norm Should we not rather encourage many other ways for self-respecting people to work Should we not create conditions (24) which many of us can work for ourselves, (25) for an employer The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken A. for B. of C. with D. to [判断题]投诉人对政府采购监管部门的投诉处理决定不服的,其可选择的法律救济渠道只能是向人民法院提起行政诉讼。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]顺线路行走时,人体及所携带的工具(料)不得侵入 ( )。
A.建筑限界 B.建筑接近限界 C.机车车辆限界 [单项选择]酸冷结晶中1kg硫酸浓度为60%相当于92%的浓硫酸,比重为1.83()升。
A. 390 B. 0.362 C. 0.512 D. 1000 [简答题]铁路项目“开源节流”应抓好哪些环节?
[多选题] 2020 年上半年,国家电网有限公司在定战略、做规划谋划长 远发展过程中,体现了担当作为。主要表现在以下哪几项( )。
A.产业升级全面推进 B.集思广益绘就蓝图 C.迅速掀起宣贯热潮 D.分层衔接编制规划 [多选题]作业风险评估公式中风险值与下列哪些因素相关:( )。
A.后果 B.暴露 C.可能性 D.危害 [多选题]测量人员应( )。
A. 熟悉仪表的性能 B.熟悉使用方法 C.熟悉正确接线方式 D.掌握测量的安全措施 [单项选择]Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened (62) . As was discussed before, it was not (63) the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic (64) , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the (65) of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution (66) up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading (67) through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures (68) the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in (69) .
It is generally recognized, (70) , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, (71) by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, (72) its impact o A. above B. upon C. against D. with [单选题]消防艇按功能分()。
A.作战艇、指挥艇、训练艇 B.作战艇、指挥艇、救护艇 C.作战艇、照明艇、救护艇 D.作战艇、指挥艇、灭火艇 [判断题]调车脱轨,未构成一般C类以上事故的为一般D2类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]反渗透水处理系统设备操作时确保设备、水质、技术参数、指标在规定正常值范围。( )(133)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]农民起义建号“太平天国”是在()。
[判断题]由于神经的分布不同,所以外痔不疼,而内痔常感疼痛。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生产经营单位未按照规定制定生产安全事故应急救援预案或者未定期组织演练的,责令限期改正,逾期未改正的,责令停产停业整顿,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处()的罚款。
A.A、一万元以上二万元以下 B.B、二万元以上五万元以下 C.C、五万元以上十万元以下 D.D、十万元以上二十万元以下 [单选题]大柴胡汤证也可出现下利,其机理是:
A.湿热下注 B.少阳兼阳明燥结 C.胆热下迫于肠 D.阳明里实,热结旁流 E.气机下陷,清阳不升 [判断题]动车组以外的旅客列车、特快货物班列在区间发生自动制动机故障,处置后列车最后一辆为“关门车”时,调车作业人员应在列车尾部监护运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]经体内代谢转化后产生药理效应的药物是()
A. 左旋多巴 B. 特非那定 C. 环磷酰胺 D. 卡比多巴 E. 氟他胺 [单项选择]大型养路机械车辆施工作业时,可整列自行运行,按路用列车办理,限速80km/h,运行距离一般不超过()区间。
A. 一个 B. 两个 C. 三个 D. 四个 [多选题]自动喷水灭火系统管道穿过卫生间或厨房楼板的套管,其顶部应高出装饰地面(),且套管底部应与楼板底面相平;穿过墙体或楼板时应加设套管,套管长度不得小于墙体厚度,穿过楼板的套管其顶部应高出装饰地面( )
A.50mm B.40mm C.30mm D.20mm E.10mm [单选题]自轨面算起电机车架空线的悬挂高度,在井底车场内,从井底到乘车场不小于()。
A.1.0m B.2.0m C.2.2m D.3m [单项选择]英国人Sarah 2008 年1 月1 日—7 月31 日在北京一家合资企业工作,每月获得工薪30,000 元。5 月,Sarah 因一本书在中国出版得到稿费10,000 元,另从外商投资企业获得股息收入1,000 元。构成她5 月向中国政府缴纳个人所得税的应纳税所得项目为( )。
A. 工薪30,000 元;稿费10,000 元 B. 工薪30,000 元;股息收入1,000 元 C. 稿费10,000 元;股息收入1,000 元 D. 股息收入1,000 元 [单选题] 当摩擦表面间处于混合摩擦状态时,膜厚比为( ) 。
A.1~5 B.1~4 C.2~5 D.2~4 [多项选择]住房按揭楼盘准入过程中,客户经理完成调查后要撰写调查报告,并在《中国农业银行按揭楼盘准入内部运作(审批)表》上签署明确调查意见,并就()方面内容提出意见。
A. 个人住房贷款总额 B. 缴存保证金及其比例 C. 单笔贷款主要要素 D. 限制性条款 我来回答: 提交