Passage 3 Providing for a payment mechanism or the transfer of funds is one of the important functions performed by commercial banks, and it is increasing in importance as greater reliance is placing on the use of checks and credit cards. The increasing efficiency with which funds are managed is indicated by the gradual decline in money holdings relative to the gross national product over the years, despite the increase in the number of financial transactions. In recent years the only kind of money that has increased relative to national income is coin, primarily because of the growth of metering and vending machines. As we can see, at present check deposits are assuming a larger portion of the transaction load, and they are, being used more, efficiently. Most of the checks in the nation are cleared through the commercial ban [判断题]化学热处理的目的是提高工件内部的柔韧性和抗氧化性。
[单选题]B-B-C-004 4 2 3
修补混凝土表面缺陷,当混凝土蜂窝较深时,宜用( )细粒混凝土填补捣实。 A.坍落度无限制 B.高坍落度 C.低坍落度 D.自然坍落度容 [单选题]依据《国家电网有限公司输变电工程施工分包安全管理办法》要求,施工承包商对分包工程的施工质量负()。
A.附加责任 B.连带责任 C.总责 D.次要责任 E./ F./ [判断题]创新产品管理委员会下设办公室作为产品创新管理委员会具体办事机构,设在总行战略发展部。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在装卸液氨过程中,发现钢瓶漏气,其正确的处理方法是()。
A. 无法控制时,将钢瓶侵入水中 B. 开大阀门,放掉所有气体 C. 顺其自然,静观其变 [多选题]自助业务办理终端业务办理功能支持无在途流程,无欠费的低压居民正常用电客户通过自助业务办理终端进行( )申请。
A. 过户 B.分时 C. 改类 D. 销户 [单选题]伤员脱离电源后,判断伤员有无意识应在()以内完成。
A.5s B.10s C.30s D.60s [判断题]因为交流焊机的空载电压是65~85V的低电压,所以不会使人发生电击。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现浇混凝土悬臂构件跨度小于 2m,拆模强度须达到设计强度标 准值的 ( )。
A.50% B.75% C.85% D.100% [单项选择]What is your favorite color Do you like yellow, orange, and red If you do, you must be an optimist, an active person who enjoys life, people and 62 .Do you prefer grays and blues Then you’re probably quiet, 63 , and you would rather follow than 64 You tend to be a 65 . At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know because they have been 66 studying the meaning of color 67 as well as the effect that colors have 68 human beings. They tell us, 69 other facts that we do not 70 our favorite color as we grow up since we are born with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or 71 as soon as you could see clearly.
Colors do 72 our mood. There is 73 doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings 74 A. pessimist B. initiator C. pioneer D. follower [单选题]在电气化区段通过或使用各种车辆、机具设备不得超过机车车辆限界。除牵引供电专业人员按规定作业外,任何人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等须与牵引供电设备高压带电部分保持( )m以上的距离,与回流线、架空地线、保护线保持1m以上距离,距离不足时,牵引供电设备须停电。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]( )是企业诚实守信的内在要求。
A.维护企业信誉 B.增加职工福利 C.注重经济效益 D.开展员工培训 我来回答: 提交