The invention of both labor-saving
tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the
product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of
invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural
deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23)
from physically superior (24) . But (25)
is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent
(26) tools to (27) certain established
tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from
the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29)
and strike with greater strength. (30) A. imagination B. creativity C. necessity D. illusion [单选题]( )会导致人身触电。
A.过流 B.漏电 C.断相 [单选题]经返修或加固处理的分部工程,在( )的条件下可按技术处理方案和协商文件予以验收。
A.不改变结构外形尺寸 B.不造成永久性影响 C.不影响结构安全和主要使用功能 D.不影响基本功能 [单选题]使用验电器验电前,除检查其外观、电压等级、试验合格期外,还应( )。
A.自测发光 B.自测音响 C.在带电的设备上测试其好坏 [多选题]有关阑尾的描述正确的是( )
A.根部连于盲肠的下壁 B.手术中寻找阑尾可沿结肠带追踪 C.根部的体表投影为脐与髂前上棘连线的中、外1/3交点 D.阑尾的位置可随盲肠的位置而变化 E.阑动脉来源于回结肠动脉,行走于阑尾系膜游离缘 [单选题]机械传动的重型轨道车使用寿命为12年,或累计运行里程达()。
A.200000km±10000km B.240000km±10000km C.320000km±10000km D.360000km±10000km [单选题]兰州局集团公司安全红线管理办法中规定,第一次触碰红线,视情节轻重给予车间党政正职、单位主管领导( )。
A.记过 B.记大过 C.警告 D.内部通报批评 [判断题]在预备航次中,由于航次租船合同免责条款规定的事由发生,致使船舶延迟到达装货港,给承租人造成的损失,船舶出租人可以提出免责的抗辩。()
[单选题]未越狱的Iphone手机可以通过( )方式提取手机数据。
A.蓝牙 B.itunes C.itools D.备份 [单项选择]10级精度的齿轮,应选用()级精度的滚齿刀来加工。
A. AA B. A C. B D. C [单选题]在状态页上显示什么内容:
A.A.提醒信息 B.B.可操作的状态信息 C.C.警告信息 D.D.一级信息(LEVEL 1) [单选题]吊弦间距8-12m,须布置均匀,位置偏差应在( )mm范围内。
A.±150 B.±130 C.±120 D.±100 [单项选择]
{{B}}Part A{{/B}} {{I}} You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer —A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.{{/I}} A. To see a movie. B. To make some coffee. C. To borrow money. D. To prepare a dinner party. [单选题]遇列车中车辆制动系统发生故障时,司机在得到列车调度员同意后,准许在列车部分车辆无风状态下限速运行至前方站停车处理。如无风车辆超过列车的一半时原则上列车可以不超过()km/h的速度运行。
A.15 B.20 C.25 我来回答: 提交