Saudi Arabia, the oil industry’s swing
producer, has become its flip-flopper. In February, it persuaded OPEC to cut its
total production quotas by lm barrels per day (bpd), to 23.5m, as a precaution
against an oil-price crash this spring. That fear has since been replaced by its
opposite. The price of West Texas crude hit $40 last week, its highest since the
eve of the first Iraq war, prompting concerns that higher oil prices could sap
the vigour of America’s recovery and compound the frailty of Europe’s. On
Monday May 10th, Ali al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s energy minister, called on OPEC to
raise quotas, by at least 1. 5m bpd, at its next meeting on June 3rd. Thus far, the high oil price has been largely a consequence of good things, such as a strengthening world economy, rather than a cause of bad things, such as faster inflation or sl A. high oil price sometimes results from inflation or slow growth B. China’s growth has contributed to the rise of oil price C. Japan’s demand of oil declined in the past months D. economy has much to do with the swing of oil price [单选题]超声波产生反射现象时( )。
A.反射角大于入射角 B.反射角小于入射角 C.反射角等于入射角 D.反射角远大于入射角 [判断题]自轮运转特种设备不得在车站调动非附挂的其他车辆。车站可以利用自轮运转特种设备协助车站进行调车作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]化学品安全技术说明书规定的内容,如果不存在的可以删除或合并,其顺序也可以变更。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,特殊天气使用脚扣和登高板应采取()措施。
A.加固 B.隔离 C.防脱落 D.防滑 E.lue [单项选择]特拉唑嗪治疗前列腺增生的机制是()
A. 抑制α受体 B. 抑制β受体 C. 抑制5α还原酶 D. 抑制H2受体 E. 抑制雄性激素受体 [单选题]收费岛应设置黄黑相间线宽各为15cm由岛头中间以( )角向两边标划的斜线。
A.15° B.30° C.45° D.60° [单选题]“人生若只如初见”的下一句是( )。
A.A.何事秋风悲画扇 B.B.相见争如不见 C.C.两重心字罗衣 D.D.斜阳却照深深院 [单项选择]患者绒癌Ⅳ期,第一程化学治疗后3天,病人突然发生抽搐护士的应首先进行哪项护理措施()
A. 通知医生 B. 加床档 C. 建立静脉通路 D. 吸氧 E. 用开口器保持呼吸道通畅 [单选题]关于动脉血PCO2升高引起的效应,下列哪一项是错误的
A.刺激外周化学感受器,使呼吸运动增强 B.刺激中枢化学感受器,使呼吸运动增强 C.直接兴奋呼吸中枢 D.使氧解离曲线右移 E.使血液中CO2容积百分数增加 [单项选择]What kind of place does the speaker think of Darney as( ).
A. A heaven for one to gain the most sophisticated knowledge. B. A good place to meet friends and new people. C. Some place where numerous delicious foods are served. D. A place where a student can find part-time jobs in its cafeterias. [单项选择]马尾损伤后神经功能的恢复有可能()
A. 需要0.5年左右的时间 B. 需要1.0年左右的时间 C. 需要1.5年左右的时间 D. 需要2.0年左右的时间 E. 需要2.5年左右的时间 [多选题] 下列关于治安管理处罚的公开原则表述正确的是:( )
A. 对违法行为实施治安管理处罚的法律规定要公开 B. 公安机关办理治安案件的程序要公开 C. 依法应当举行听证的,都必须公开举行,允许群众旁听 D. 治安案件调查处理过程中的有关法律文书和资料,除法律有特别规定外,应当对违法行为人、被侵害人以及其他与案件有利害关系的人公开 我来回答: 提交