A month ago I had no idea that on a
Saturday afternoon in November I would be hanging 39 meters above the ground and
enjoying it. Now I looked down on the river far below me, and realized why
people like rock-climbing. My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation (食品) wasn’t wonderful, but we had everything we needed, beds, food and so on. And we were pleased to be out of the city in the fresh air. On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amada. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area. We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving (钻山洞) while the others went rock-climbing [单项选择]容易取得一致,上下融为一体的社会,里格斯称之为()
A. 一元化社会 B. 多元化社会 C. 异质化社会 D. 同体化社会 [判断题]安全带和绳必须用钢丝绳包裹绳子的套要用皮革、维纶或者橡胶。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]依据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,较大事故是指死亡()人及以上()人以下死亡,或者10人以上50人以下重伤,或者1000万元以上5000万元以下直接经济损失的事故
A. 煤层卸载钻孔法 B. 声发射和微震监测法 C. 钻屑法 D. 综合指数法 [单项选择]男,50岁,右侧肢体逐渐抖动1年余,既往史无特殊。体检:血压19.9/11.9kPa,神志清楚,表情呆板,右上下肢肌力正常,肌张力增高,右上下肢可见静止性震颤,余神经系统检查未发现异常。
最可能的诊断是 A. 脑血栓形成 B. 震颤麻痹 C. 肝豆状核变性 D. 小舞蹈病 E. 癫痫局限性运动性发作 [判断题]掘进工作面进入积水警戒线后,不一定进行超前探放水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我行制度规定,以下( )为非转久悬日期。
A.3月24日 B.5月24日 C.10月24日 D.12月24日 [单选题]升国旗时,在场的全体消防救援人员应当(),着制服的行举手礼,着便服的行注目礼。
A.跨立 B.立正 C.面向国旗跨立 D.面向国旗立正 [单项选择]区别癌性胸腔积液与良性胸腔积液,下列项目中最有价值()。
A. 外观诊断 B. 比重 C. 蛋白定性 D. 细胞计数及分类 E. 胸腔积液癌胚抗原测定 [单选题]工业OS将()技术融合,实现高质量网络下沉至生产核心环节。
A.I.T与CT B.I.T与OT C.C.T与OT D.C.T、IT与OT [填空题] Are we at the beginning of another Age of Exploration Perhaps even more important, are we at the beginning of 【B1】 Age of Colonization As the population of the world increases towards the point 【B2】 the earth can no longer support all the people 【B3】 on it, the second question becomes urgent. Will we discover a new world, 【B4】 Columbus did, on which human life will be possible At this point in the space age, no one can really answer these questions. We can say, 【B5】 mat we will not see tomorrow the kind of space travel that 【B6】 fiction and the movies have shown. It will be a long time before we have flight that run 【B7】 to human colonies on the moon or on one of the planets. We are not even going to be able to 【B8】 immediate advantages of the minerals that we may find on the planets 【B9】 our own solar system.
Great problems must be solved 【B10】 we could send colonies out into place. The distances that must be 【B11】 and the length of time it takes to do that can hardly be 【
A. A.revive B.exist C.survive D.live [单选题]主要通过磷酸化/脱磷酸化调节酶活性
A.共价修饰调节 B.变构调节 C.两者都是 D.两者都不是 [单项选择]前列腺增生症与神经源性膀胱鉴别,除了神经源性膀胱有其他相应的神经损害症状外,其他两者区别,前者有()
A. 可合并感染 B. 排尿困难 C. 尿潴留 D. 肾积水 E. 可合并结石 [单选题]砌体结构当静力计算为弹性方案时,关于其涵义的说法正确的是( )。
A.对墙而言,楼盖和屋盖可视为铰接的水平杆 B.楼盖各点的水平位移是相等的 C.楼盖在其平面外的刚度可视为无穷大 D.楼盖在其平面内的刚度可视为无穷大 [单项选择]氨泵供液系统,必备的设备是()。
A. 低压排液桶 B. 低压循环桶 C. 中间冷却器 D. 过冷却器 [单选题]
齿轮齿条式施工升降机正常工作状态下,上极限开关的安装位置应保证上极限开关与是限位开关的越程距离应为( )。 A. 0.15米 B. 0.18米 C. 0.25米 D. 0.5米 [单项选择]成人细胞外液占体重的()
A. 60% B. 55% C. 50% D. 35% E. 20% [单项选择]某单位的局域网通过100Mbps的光纤专线接入Internet,Internet出口区域仅采用一台防火墙的网络架构。如果该单位申请的公网IP地址为61.246.100.96/29,那么该单位防火墙DMZ区域能够使用的公网IP地址最多有______个。
A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2 我来回答: 提交