Do we need laws that prevent us from
running risks with our lives If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting
(禁止) the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known
to kill people. The hazards of drinking too much alcohol are as bad or worse
than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, let’s pass a
law dosing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Let’s put an end once
and for all to the disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently
suffer -- alcoholism(酗酒)。 But wait. We’ve already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down -- abolished by an amendment (修正案), the Volstead Act. After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manufacturing, selling, or t A. during Prohibition, most Americans stopped drinking B. the Congress was wise to repeal Prohibition C. laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages D. the Prohibition Era was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkenness [判断题]安全监控设备的供电电源可以接在被控开关的负荷侧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空调用电根据使用性质不同,有可能执行的电价为()。
A.居民生活电价 B.非居民照明电价 C.农业电价 D.大工业电价 [多项选择]国际企业的采购决策方式有()
A. 集中采购 B. 自主采购 C. 混合采购 D. 定期采购 E. 定量采购 [单选题]锅炉运行中,不断加大给水、水位仍继续下降,此时应当()。
A.启动备用水泵 B. 减小蒸汽负荷 C.开大给水阀 D. 立即停炉 [填空题]列车静态检查作业内容及标准-到达出库端确认库门开启情况:库门开启良好、( )插好。
[判断题]( )严禁坐在高处作业下方无遮拦的地方休息,防止坠落。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]处理回采工作面上隅角瓦斯积聚的方法有哪几种?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中国营养学会建议乳母每日钙参考摄入量为()
A. 800mg B. 1000mg C. 1200mg D. 1300mg E. 1500mg [单选题]下列各项不属于与价格有关的顾客满意度指标的是( )。
A.公司竞争实力 B.价格的合理性 C.物有所值 D.费率或折扣 [单选题]安全监管部门对某生产经营单位进行安全生产监督检查。根据《安全生产法》下列关干对该单位进行安全监督检查的说法中,错误的是 ( )
A.监督检查人员有权进人现场,调阅相关资料,向现场个人了解相关情况 B.检查中发现存在违法行为的当场予以纠正或者要求限期改正 C.检查中发现安全设备使用不符合国家标准的,应当采取停止供电措施 D.检查中发现事故隐患的,应当责令立即排除 [单项选择]我国学校的萌芽约在四千年前的虞舜时代,当时被称为()
A. 庠 B. 序 C. 学 D. 瞽宗 [判断题]车辆燃油报警灯亮,原因可能是燃油箱储油量不足。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进站信号机的引导信号显示一个红色灯光和一个月白色灯光时,列车进站的速度不超过( )km/h,并须准备随时停车。 J416
A.10 B.15 C.20 [多选题]加热炉炉膛烟很多,此时应当适当开大()。
A.A.风门 B.B.烟道挡板 C.C.油门 D.D.汽门 [单选题][单选题]在电气化区段作业时,人身和携带物件(如长杆、导线、工具等)与接触网设备带电部分,必须保持( )以上的距离。
A. 2m B. 1m C. 3m D. 4m [判断题]灭火时,将灭火器提到起火地点,站在下风处。
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