Many people will have heard of the
Alexander technique but have only a vague idea what it is about. Until earlier
this year, I didn’t have the faintest idea about it. But, hunched over a
computer screen one day, I noticed that the neck-and backache I regularly
suffered were more painful than usual. I consulted a doctor, who said: "I can
treat the symptoms by massaging your neck and upper back. But you actually have
bad posture. That is what you need to get sorted out. Go off and learn the
Alexander technique." I had regularly been told by friends and family that I tend to slouch in chairs but had thought bad posture was something one was born with and could do nothing about, That is not true. Dentists and car mechanics, among others, tend to develop bad posture from leaning over patients or engine bays. Mothers often stress and strain their necks and A. ( are learnt through one-to-one tutorial B. ( need more energy and effort than we think C. ( are not to be performed strenuously D. ( are not required in the exercise [单项选择]
In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
A. What to do about the eleven million people who are living in the US illegally B. Should the US open its door to more skilled workers C. Should the Congress get employers to hire more American citizens D. Should the American employers move more jobs to other countries [单选题]It is required that the machine at regular intervals. be overhauled overhauled overhauled D.was overhauled [单项选择]齿条可以看作()齿轮
A. 不是 B. 直径无限大的 [单项选择]武警部队在北京设有领导机关叫()。
A. 武警总部 B. 武警总署 C. 武警总队 D. 武警委员会 [单项选择]生产商利用广告和公共关系手段,极力向广大消费者介绍产品,使他们产生兴趣,吸引、诱导他们来购买,这属于( )。
A. 推动策略 B. 拉引策略 C. 销售促进 D. 人员推销 [单选题]佩戴证件时需严格遵守( )
A. 、《西区安检部特殊情况领取证件登记表》 B. 、好好佩戴 C.《控制区通行证记分管理细则》 [判断题]根据《紧急救护法》,抢救溺水者时不应“倒水”延误抢救时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中国HIV感染者/艾滋病患者中几乎都是同性恋。
[单选题] 关于多发性神经炎的护理措施,错误的是( )
A.指导患者每晚睡前用温水泡脚 B.给予高热量、高维生素、易消化饮食 C.康复期指导病人进行肢体的主动、被动运动 D.鼓励患者多食富含 B 族维生素的饮食 E.急性期应加强功能锻炼,鼓励患者多行走 [单项选择]轮轴、轮对检修中对工件施行探伤时的主要记录有“„„探伤记录”(车统—53A)和“„„探伤发现缺陷记录”()两种记录。
A. 车统—52A B. 车统—53A C. 车统—50A D. 车统—51C [判断题]有义务列席债权人会议的债务人的有关人员,经人民法院传唤,无正当理由拒不列席债权人会议的,人民法院可以拘传,并依法处以罚款。债务人的有关人员违反《中华人民共和国企业破产法》规定,拒不陈述、回答,或者作虚假陈述、回答的,人民法院可以依法处以罚款。
A. 互相沟通 B. 互相掩护 C. 立即撤离 D. 就近利用掩护物 [多项选择]根据《建设工程监理规范》GB/T50319-2013,5.1.6,施工组织设计中下列哪些内容不符合要求,监理单位应提出调整的()
A. 由单位技术总工编制,项目技术总工审批 B. 施工方案及工程质量保证措施不满足施工合同要求 C. 资金、劳动力未到位,材料未采购,资源供应计划未编审 D. 施工总平面布置应科学合理 [单项选择]阴道痉挛的治疗方法主要有
A. 冲击治疗 B. 厌恶疗法 C. 系统脱敏疗法 D.利培酮 D. 氯氮平 我来回答: 提交