Desertification (沙漠化) in the dry United
States is very serious. Groundwater supplies beneath vast stretches of land are
dropping rapidly. Many river systems have dried up. Hundreds of thousands of
acres of previously irrigated cropland have been abandoned to wind or weeds.
Several million acres of natural grassland are eroded at unnaturally high rates
as a result of cultivation or overgrazing (过度放牧). All told, about 225 million
acres of land are under severe desertification. Federal subsidies (补贴) encourage the exploitation of dry land resources. Low-interest loans for irrigation and other water delivery systems encourage farmers and industry to mine groundwater. Federal disaster relief and commodity program encourage dry-land farmers to plow up natural grassland to plant crops such as wheat, especially, cotton. Fede A. It cost the farmers a lot of money. B. Its main aim is to develop economy. C. It is smaller compared to the dry land exploration. D. It is very effective to the dry land exploration. [判断题] 43 在中性点非直接接地的电力系统中广泛采用两相不完全星形接线方式来实现相间短路保护。( )(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]2,3,6,5,(),7,20
A. 12 B. 11 C. 10 D. 8 [单项选择]在()度及以上的斜坡杆,电杆槽口的俯面与电杆心线的夹角应与线路仰角相等。
A. 10° B. 20° C. 30° D. 40° [单选题]建设项目的职业病防护设施所需费用应当纳入建设项目工程预算,并与主体工程()。
A.同时检验 B.同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用 C.同时验收 D.同时使用 [单选题]创新就要充分利用大数据、人工智能、互联网和区块链等金融科技,加速金融科技和普惠金融的结合。( )的应用能够帮助金融行业有效降低交易成本,进一步提高金融服务的可获得性,同时还有利于提高金融服务的覆盖面,增加高质量的金融供给。
A.人工技术 B.数字技术 C.经济计算 D.理论技术 [判断题]人民法院审理行政案件,对行政行为是否合理进行审查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]航空器的起飞时间是指航空器开始()的瞬间。
A. 起飞滑跑轮子移动 B. 离地时 C. 进入跑道时 D. 对正跑道时 [单项选择]面神经的运动纤维包括()
A. 颞支、颧支、颊支、下颌缘支及颈支 B. 眶支、额支、鼻支、颊支及下唇支 C. 额支、颧支、颊支、上唇支及下唇支 D. 额支、颊支、上睑支及下颌缘支 E. 颞支、颧支、颊支、上唇支及下唇支 [单选题]T68镗床主轴电动机的正反转互锁由( )实现。
A.接触器常闭触点 B.时间继电器常闭触点 C.速度继电器常开触点 D.接触器常开触点 [单选题] 被测者诉红色十字视标在上,绿色环形视标在下,诊为( )。
A.外隐斜 B.左上隐斜 C.内隐斜 D.没有隐性斜视 [单选题]变频器与电动机之间一般()接入接触器。
A.允许 B.不允许 C.需要 D.不需要 [多选题]《铁路进站乘车禁止和限制携带物品的公告》(铁总运〔2015〕355号)规定,下列哪些物品禁止携带进站乘车。()
A.手榴弹 B.炸药 C.导火索 D.导爆索 [单项选择]Which of the following sentences is true
A. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere carries heat into outer space so as to change the climate. B. Carbon dioxide may escape into the greenhouse so that the Earth will be made warmer. C. As carbon dioxide keeps heat from escaping into outer space, the Earth may become warmer. D. Carbon dioxide may make the Earth warmer because it lets the heat escape into outer spac [单选题]失活组织的形态特点是:
A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①②③④⑤ D.①②④⑤ E.①② [单选题]电客车客室车门切除触动的开关是( )。
A.S1 B.S2 C.S3 D.S4 [单项选择]{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. He wants to be invited to a concert. B. He told them what his favorite hobbies are. C. He doesn’t really enjoy classical music. D. He doesn’t know much about classical music. [单选题]装机人员上门服务礼仪的三张王牌是
A.微笑、语言、仪容仪表 B.微笑、手势、语言 C.微笑、手势、动作 D.语言、动作、仪容仪表 [多选题]第二版欧元纸币在紫外光下,可以看到随机分布的荧光纤维,每一根纤维呈现()。
A.红色 B.蓝色 C.黄色 D.绿色 [判断题]( )工件和刀具的刚性较差时,不会影响加工精度。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交