Each year millions of people suffer from the effect of alcohol and drug abuse, getting into illness, crime and death.
In the United States alone, l0 to 12 million men and women and their loved ones and family suffer from alcohol. Additional millions abuse alcohol at great cost in health.
In Canada, it is said, "Alcohol increases business of hospitals, ambulance drivers, doctors, and nurses." Alcohol abuse and dangerous drugs have swept through Europe. Soviet culture, too, is paying enormous social and economic costs.
Developing nations are bothered by drug problem—both ancient and modern. In this part of the world hundreds of millions request doctors to ease their miseries and problems in life. These methods of coping are unhealthy solutions!
This passage is mainly about the worldwide (46) and (47) abuse.
48 million people and their families in America have suffered from alcohol ab
Most of the pioneers of low-temperature
physics expected gases to liquefy, but none of them predicted superconductivity.
This phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Onnes while he was studying frozen
mercury. More than 40 years passed before physicists were able to offer an explanation for superconductivity. The accepted theory, developed in the 1950s, holds that the fundamental behavior of electrons changes at very low temperatures because of the effects of quantum mechanics. Electrons are tiny particles that make up the outer part of an atom, circling rapidly around the nucleus of the atom. In a regular conductor—a metal that conducts an electric current—the outermost electrons are not bound tightly to the atoms, and so they move around relatively freely. The flow of these electrons is an electric current. At normal temper A. metal-containing ceramics turned out to be superconductors B. higher-temperature superconductivity was made possible C. ceramics were found to be superconductors D. room-temperature superconductors were developed [单选题]根据自己的人生经历和感悟总结出一些警句和座右铭,在关键的时候能够( )。
A.自我暗示 B.自我加压 C.自我激励 D.自我排解 [单项选择]某社区为改善小区环境,有小区居民代表征求小区居民意见和建议,建立一个“小区环境保护规范”奖惩制度,鼓励遵守小区规范的社区居民,惩罚违反社区或社会规范的人。通过该制度的建立,大家彼此形成监督机制,长此以往,小区环境有了明显改善。该小区的做法体现了小区的()。
A. 心理支持功能和感情功能 B. 社会化的功能 C. 社会参与和互助的功能 D. 社会控制的功能 [多选题]施工用电电缆线路应采用( )。
A.A埋地或架空敷设 B.B埋深不小于0.5m C.C禁止沿地面明设 D.D应避免机械损伤和介质腐蚀 [简答题]巴林首金获得者的外号是什么?
A. 化学检验法 B. 无损检验法 C. 物理检验法 D. 电磁检验法 [单选题]道路进行灭火救援时,打开警灯警报,封闭作业区域,必要时通知( )警戒,发布信息提示,实施交通管制,直至封闭道路,并应在现场警戒的基础上,依托消防车或事故车辆作为安全屏障,严禁在来车方向正面逗留或实施灭火救援行动,并设置人员警示提醒来车避让。
A. 道路管理部门 B.消防部门 C. 应急部门 D.公安部门 [多项选择]阶级性是警察与国家一致的特点,国家要求警察必须( ),成为国家忠诚的统治与管理工具。
A. 与国体一致 B. 与政体一致 C. 与国家意志一致 D. 与人民群众的利益一致 [单选题]起重作业中,如遇有()级及以上大风或雷暴、冰雹、大雪等恶劣天气时,停止起重和露天高处作业。
A.四 B.五 C.六 D.七 E./ F./ [单项选择]病毒性心肌炎可出现下列哪项表现
A. Ewart征 B. Rotch征 C. Osler结 D. Jameways结 E. Adams-Stokes综合征 [单选题] 井眼轴线上任一点,到井口所在水平面的距离,称为该点的( ),单位为“米”。
A.井深 B.水平位移 C.垂深 D.视位移 [判断题]新入路、新转岗、新提职人员必须参加三级安全教育及其他规定的安全教育及培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]( )房屋,禁止租赁。
A.未依法取得房屋所有权的 B.共有房屋取得共有人同意的 C.权属有争议的 D.属于违法建筑的 E.不符合安全标准的 [填空题]
A.压缩连接 B.机械连接 C.熔焊连接 D.绞合连接 [单选题]依据《生产经营单位安全生产事故应急预案编制导则》,某加油站制定了预案体系,其中,针对该加油站成品油装卸区火灾的预案属于( )。
A.综合预案 B.专项预案 C.现场处置方案 D.部门预案 [单项选择]后天性颈动-静脉瘘的特征症状是( )
A. 搏动性耳鸣 B. 局部隆起,可触及震颤 C. 局部闻及杂音 D. 肿块处听到粗糙的咆哮音 E. 出现呼吸困难 [判断题]探伤仪水平线性误差小,定位精度高。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]孙某早年留学美国,后在美国开了一家公司,1998年回国定居,并将其在美国的大部分资产转移到中国。孙某有妻子,儿女9个且有许多曾帮助过他的挚友,因此为了对其死后财产有个妥善处理,先后立有数份遗嘱,2009年12月6日,孙某因心脏病突发死亡,对其遗产应按下述哪些原则处理?( )
A.如果其数份遗嘱中有一份是经过公证的,则以公证的遗嘱为准 B.如果其数份遗嘱内容相冲突,应以其最后所立遗嘱为准 C.对于其遗嘱中没涉及的财产,应按法定继承处理 D.应当按照第一份遗嘱的内容执行 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,旅客在到站前要求越站继续乘车时,在有运输能力的情况下列车应予以办理,并核收越站区间的票价和手续费。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]根据病毒壳粒数目及排列方式不同,病毒核衣壳结构划分为3种类型,即二十面体立体对称型、螺旋对称型和()。
A.本板硬件故障 B.B1超限 C.发端时钟丢失 D.LOS 我来回答: 提交