{{B}}The Cutting
Edge{{/B}} Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization. The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr A. the administrative system. B. the political situation. C. the government policy. D. the country’s history. [多项选择]表现秋季丰收,果实累累的景象可用()等花材来代表。
A. 菊花 B. 迎春 C. 松 D. 金橘 E. 鸡冠花 F. 石榴 [单项选择] One of the surviving traditions in historic Stone Town is the coffee baraza. Baraza means "gathering of people" , and here refers specifically to small crowds of people who gather over a cup of kahawa for the latest gossip. Historically the elders, or "wazee" , would congregate in the centre while the young would line the fringes. Age denoted respect.
Today, the baraza atmosphere is less formal, and reflects the local flavour or atmosphere. Some barazas are located in places with colourful names, such as " Kwa Haji Tumbo" (Haji with the Big Stomach’’s Place) , "Kwa Boko" (Place of the Hippo) , "Mfereji Maringo" (Place of the Clogged Water Tap) , or "Shangani" (Place of the Beads).
An integrated part of cultural and religious traditions, the baraza also has a social monitoring function. Children, although often sent to buy coffee for parents or grandparents, are denied drinking it. " It is bad for you," the wazee might say. Having bought the coffee, with a bit of luck the
A. are supposed to have rich experiences and lots of stories of local history B. can speak good English and Chinese besides the local language C. used to be the centre of the latest gossip D. usually send their boys and girls to buy coffee at the baraza [多选题]忽略摩擦的接触表面就是光滑面约束,这类约束的特点是(____)。
A.不能承受压力 B.不能承受拉力 C.只能限制物体沿两接触表面在接触处的公法线而趋向接触面的运动 D.只能承受压力 [判断题]在区间(含站内正线)应距列车1000m下道避车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]铁路通信地理信息管理系统主要设备组成包括 [填空1]、数据管理设备和数据网络设备。
[判断题]客户所在地区的经济情况不太稳定,因而在预测客户的股票投资收益时,人员只能用 上一年的数值作为参考。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲市某贸易公司想在当地体育馆办一场外贸展销会,其向甲市公安局提出了安全许可申请。根据相关法律规定,下列说法正确的是:
A. 甲市公安局发现申请材料存在错误的应当告知该贸易公司当场更正 B. 甲市公安局发现申请材料不齐全,应当当场或者在五日内告知该贸易公司需要补正的全部内容 C.甲公安局需要对展销会现场安全条件进行查验,应当指派一名民警进行核查 D.经现场查验后发现现场条件不能保障参会人员安全,甲市公安局决定不予安全许可申请的,可以口头告知其理由 [单选题]间接血凝抑制试验阳性是( )
A.红细胞溶解 B.红细胞不溶解 C.红细胞凝集 D.红细胞不凝集 E.红细胞部分溶解 [多项选择]钢丝绳特点包括()
A. 整根绳断面相等 B. 高速运动时无噪声 C. 破断前有断丝预兆 D. 整根绳不会立即断裂 E. 整根绳会立即断裂 [单选题]电压负反馈主要补偿( )上电压的损耗。
A.电抗器电阻 B.电源内阻 C.电枢电阻 D.以上皆不正确 [单选题]非战争军事行动是指在相对和平环境下,动用军事力量有组织有计划地采取战争以外的军事手段。
A.南苏丹武装冲突 B.2016中俄联演 C.美军击毙本拉登 D.德军打击IS组织 [单项选择]没有肺泡的最小的呼吸道是()。
A. 终末支气管 B. 肺泡管 C. 肺泡囊 D. 细支气管 E. 支气管 [单项选择]{{B}}C{{/B}}