{{B}} Questions 57 to 61 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Though it now seems merely an episode in the last year of World War I, the influenza pandemic of the autumn of 1918 was one of the three greatest outbreaks of disease in history. Only the plague of Justinian and the Black Death compare with it. A quarter of the world’s population was affected; all in all, it killed 22 million people, almost twice as many as were killed in the war itself. In India, more people died from influenza in a few months than had died from cholera in twenty years. In the United States, half a million people died. Through centuries, the course of epidemics has run from east to west. The 1918 influenza epidemic followed this pattern, reaching America last. Traditionally, Asia has been the matrix of disease, almost as though A. 22 million people died. B. 22 million Americans died. C. Half as many people died as were killed in World War I. D. As many people died as were killed in World War I. [单选题] 银行业金融机构将冠字号码信息存储在本行现金清分中心或社会清分机构的,应在现金对外支付 后至少保存()个月,并确保数据的安全。
A.1; B.2; C.3。 [简答题]简述唐律的历史地位。
[多选题] 审计证据按其功能分类( )
A. 间接证据 B. 内部证据 C. 直接证据 D. 外部证据 [多选题] 下套管前,作业人员应认真检查套管钳( )等符合要求,钻台大门处拴一根长度合适的防碰兜绳。
A.猫道套管防滑装置 B.井口工具 C.专用吊索 D.刹车系统。 [判断题]悬挑架高度不受限制,可随意支搭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]放疗物理剂量师的工作范围()
A. 体位固定装置制作 B. 放疗计划的执行 C. 放疗患者的定位、拍片 D. 质量控制的质量保证 E. 放疗计划的设计 [单项选择]PHP中采用的模板技术是()。
A. Smarty B. Smart C. Templet D. Cache [单选题]一个额定值为220V、40W的白炽灯与一个额定值为220V、60W的白炽灯串联接在220V电源上,则( )。
A.60W灯较亮 B.40W灯较亮 C.两灯亮度相同 D.不能确定 [单项选择]甲亢131I治疗如首次治疗无效的患者,第二次治疗时()
A. 可适当增加131I剂量 B. 可适当减少131I剂量 C. 可适当增加或减少131I剂量 D. 131I剂量保持不变 E. 以上均有可能 [判断题]对行为举止失控的醉酒人,可以使用警绳或者手铐等进行约束。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]We’ve spent so much on advertisements, but the results are not____.
A.satisfied B.satisfying C.satisfy D.satisfactorily [单选题]自微软进入C国市场后,C国国内的软件商纷纷放弃开发原本的视窗类操作系统,转而生产适应C国市场的视窗系统应用程序。根据上述信息判断,C国国内软件商采取的本土企业的战略选择是( )。
A.“防御者”战略 B.“扩张者”战略 C.“躲闪者”战略 D.“抗衡者”战略 [单选题]解表剂煎药法宜
A.文火久煎 B.武火急煎 C.先文火后武火 D.先武火后文火 [单选题]新生儿败血症最常见的并发症是( )
A. 肺炎 B. 胸膜炎 C. 化脓性脑膜炎 D. 骨髓炎 E. 肝脓肿 [单项选择]腹部检查可区分胎头胎体
A. 孕24周后 B. 孕36周后 C. 孕24~36周 D. 孕30周后 E. 孕16~20周 [单选题]1928 年 12 月,在东北宣布“服从国民政府,改 易旗帜”的是( )
A.张学良 B.张作霖 C.冯国璋 D.冯玉祥 [单选题]依据《国家电网公司输变电工程施工现场关键点作业安全管控措施》,业主项目部加强转序管理,按( )的原则。
A.谁检查谁签字、谁签字谁负责 B.谁检查谁签字、谁组织谁负责 C.谁组织谁签字、谁签字谁负责 D.谁承包谁签字、谁签字谁负责 [单项选择]根据《招标投标法》的有关规定,评标委员会由招标人的代表和有关技术、经济等方面的专家组成,成员人数为( )以上单数。
A. 3人 B. 5人 C. 7人 D. 11人 我来回答: 提交