Every place is different. That is (21) makes geography so interesting. It (22) us to new place, to different ways of living (23) the land, to new ways of thinking about the (24) . Indeed, it shows us new ways of thinking about ourselves (25) our environment. Like travel, it is (26) . It gives us new experiences and (27) our understanding.
In comparing the study of geography to travel, (28) should also note the importance of maps. Like the vacationing-motorist, geographers feel much more (29) with a good map. Maps are (30) the most important tools of the (31) trade. The ability to read and use maps is a (32) skill that you will (33) for driving, reading the newspaper, and doing many (34) .
The study of geography will help you to improve your map reading skills. (35) that is only the beginning. The real value of geography is (36) it will give you a special
A. excitement
B. excite
C. excited
D. exciting
The entrepreneur, according to French
economist J. B. Say," is a person who shifts economic resources out of an area
of lower and into an area of higher productivity and yield." But Say’s
definition does not tell us who this entrepreneur is. Some define the
entrepreneur simply as one who starts his or her own new and small business. For
our purposes, we will define the entrepreneur as a person who takes the
necessary risks to organize and manage a business and receives the financial
profits and nonmonetary rewards. The man who opens a small pizza restaurant is in business, but is he an entrepreneur He took a risk and did something, but did he shift resources or start the business If the answer is yes, then he is considered an entrepreneur. Ray Kroc is an example of an entrepreneur because he fo A. The CEO of a big company. B. The owner of a profitable restaurant. C. A man who started a new kind of business but eventually failed after 5 years because of some financial problems. D. A successful salesman. [单选题]自2019年4月1日起,银行对经设区的市级及以上公安机关认定的出租、出借、出售、购买银行账户(含银行卡)的单位或个人及相关组织者,假冒他人身份或者虚构代理关系开立银行账户的单位或个人,( )。
A.5年内暂停其银行账户非柜面业务,并不得为其新开立账户 B.5年内暂停其银行账户所有业务,3年内不得为其新开立账户 C.3年内暂停其银行账户非柜面业务,5年内不得为其新开立账户 D.3年内暂停其银行账户所有业务,5年内不得为其新开立账户 [单项选择]卫生法中的行政责任主要是指()
A. 单位和个人在国家行政管理工作中应尽的义务 B. 单位和个人违反民法规定应承担的责任 C. 单位和个人违反刑罚规定应承担的责任 D. 单位和个人违反行政管理法规规定义务应承担的责任 E. 单位和个人违反行政诉讼法应承担的法律责任 [判断题]刺黄瓜的肉质特征为肉质脆嫩,口味清香。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“活球”期间球破裂,应该重赛。
A. 请示 B. 批复 C. 通知 D. 意见 [判断题]铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀倾向很小。( )
[判断题] ( )下放钻具时,要眼看悬重表,控制下钻速度,防止突然遇阻。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调节钢丝绳或链条长度的装置在调节后,不应自行松动。( )
A.正确; B.错误 [单项选择]黄宗羲认为国家法律起源的核心是()。
A. 势 B. 无为 C. 公利 D. 统一思想 [单选题]CiTRANS 640设备的业务盘没有( )
A.E1接口盘 B.FE接口盘 C.GE接口盘 D.40GE接口盘 [单选题]动车组受电弓碳滑板分为“ ”和双碳滑板。
A.单碳滑板 B.合金碳滑板 C.加热碳滑板 D.除雪碳滑板 我来回答: 提交