One of London Zoo’s recent
advertisements caused me some irritation, so patently did it distort reality.
Headlined "Without zoos you might as well tell these animals to get stuffed", it
was bordered with illustrations of several endangered species and went on to
extol the myth that without zoos like London Zoo these animals "will almost
certainly disappear forever". With the zoo world’s rather mediocre record on
conservation, one might be forgiven for being slightly skeptical about such an
advertisement. Zoos were originally created as places of entertainment, and their suggested involvement with conservation didn’t seriously arise until about 30 years ago, when the Zoological Society of London held the first formal international meeting on the subject. Eight years later, a series of world conferences took place, entitled "The Breeding of Endangered A. (A) Disbelieving. B. (B) Impartial. C. (C) Prejudiced. D. (D) Accepting. [单项选择]Paris
1. Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north central France. The Paris metropolitan area contains nearly 20% of the nation "s population and is the economic, cultural, and political center of France. The French governments have historically favored the city as the site for all decision-making, thus, powerfully attracting nearly all of the nation’’s activities.
2. Paris has grown steadily since it was chosen as the national capital in the late 10th century. With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, a great number of people moved to the city from the country during the 19th century. The migration was especially stimulated by the construction of railroads, which provided easy access to the capital. After World War II more and more immigrants arrived.
3. The city is the centralized control point of most national radio and television broadcasting. It is a place of publication of the most prestigious newspapers and magazines and an internati
[单选题]国际/地区航班、国内中高风险地区航班或出现 疑似病例航班的垃圾按照( )处理,医废垃圾实行专门 收集、转运、存储,不得与其他垃圾混装。医废垃圾投入专 用医废垃圾箱(桶),标识清晰,垃圾做到“日产日清”,清 运过程中采用密闭化运输。
A.医废垃圾 B.生活垃圾 C.厨余垃圾 D.一般垃圾 [单项选择]下列哪项不是哮喘缓解期脾肾阳虚证的特征
A. 动则气短 B. 形寒肢冷 C. 舌红苔黄腻 D. 遗尿或夜尿 E. 腰膝酸软 [多项选择]贯通全文原则具体表现为()
A. 互不矛盾 B. 前后照应 C. 互补互存 D. 有机有序 [多项选择]记录性较差的大众传播媒介是()。
A. 广播的缺点 B. 报纸的缺点 C. 杂志的缺点 D. 电视的优点 E. 电视的缺点 [多项选择]下列影响施工质量的因素中,属于材料因素的有()
A. 计量器具 B. 建筑构配件 C. 新型模板 D. 工程设备 E. 安全防护设施 [单项选择]就产品色彩而言,如果是医疗设备,应该采用的是()
A. 冷色调 B. 暖色调 C. 中间色调 D. 冷暖色调搭配 [单选题]下列关于ZDJ9型电动转辙机描述不正确的是?()
A.有速动开关检测尖轨或心轨的终端位置 B.连接道岔和转辙机 C.有保持道岔尖轨和心轨在密贴位置的锁闭装置 D.道岔在挤岔后有切断表示的功能 [判断题]手枪拉套筒使子弹上膛时,需要用力将套筒拉向后,然后回推套筒至初始位置即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中间件检修工作结束前,应( )。
A.重新启动设备 B.验证设备工作正常 C.验证配置策略符合要求 D.验证所承载的业务运行正常 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]《行政许可法》对行政许可收费作出了明确具体规定。请问下列正确的是()
A. 行政许可原则上不收费,除法律、法规规定可以收费的除外 B. 行政许可原则上不收费,除法律、行政法规规定可以收费的除外 C. 行政许可原则上不收费,除法律、法规、规章规定可以收费的除外 [单项选择]Special words used in technical discussion ______.
A. should be confined to scientific fields B. should resemble mathematical formulae C. are considered artificial speech D. may become part of common speech [单项选择]GPWS系统的警告音响话音信息经___传输至音响警告扬声器.()
A. TERRAIN/WX RELAY B. WEU C. DFDAU D. TCAS 计算机 [判断题]从油耗特性可以直观地看出内燃机的绝对最高燃油消耗率,这是说明该内燃机燃油经 济性的最重要指标。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用晶体管图示仪观察显示NPN型三极管的输出特性时,基极阶梯信号的极性开关应置于"+",集电极扫描电压极性开关应置于"-"。
A. 热实之热厥 B. 热结旁流证 C. 阳明腑实证 D. 热实之发狂 E. 肠燥便秘证 [判断题]新文化运动开始的标志是 1915 年陈独秀担任主编的《新青年》(原名《青年杂志》)正式出版。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]驾驶机动车在铁路道口、桥梁、陡坡、隧道或者容易发生危险的路段不能掉头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肱骨干上1/3骨折后的移位方向应是:
A. 近端向前向内,远端向上向外 B. 近端向外向前,远端向上 C. 近端向前,远端向后 D. 近端向后,远端向前 E. 分离移位 [多项选择]下列哪些选项属于受体的共同特征
A. 与配体结合具有饱和性 B. 与配体结合具有专一性 C. 与配体的结合是可逆的 D. 与配体之间具有高亲和力 E. 效应的多样性 [多选题]战地卫生流行病学侦察,一般由哪几级组织实施?:
A.A军区卫生部 B.B师级 C.C旅团级 D.D营级 E.E连级 [判断题]纯电车起步前,仪表指示应显示正常,制动气压表指示值应大于6.5bar。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]班组的组织结构的特点是( )。
A.实 B.小 C.全 D.细 [多选题]接入高压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装( )的开断设备,电网侧应能接地。
A.易操作 B. 可闭锁 C. 具有明显断开点 D. 可开断故障电流 我来回答: 提交