In Plato’s Utopia, there are three classes: the common people, the soldiers, and the guardians chosen by the legislator. The main problem, as Plato perceives, is to insure that the guardians shall carry out the purpose of the legislator. For this purpose the first thing he proposes is education.
Education is divided into two parts, music and gymnastics. Each has a wider meaning than at present: "music" means everything that is in the province of the muses, and "gymnastics" means everything concerned with physical training fitness. "Music" is almost as wide as what is now called "culture", and "gymnastics" is somewhat wider than what "athletics" mean in the modern sense.
Culture is to be devoted to making men gentlemen, in the sense which, largely owing to Plato is familiar in England. The Athens of his day was, in one respect, analogous to England in the nineteenth century: there was in each an aris
A. muses
B. culture
C. manners
D. literature
Every year gray whales migrate from the
Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks. No one knows why the whales are dying. Last year 270 whales died along the whales’ migration route. Many people think starvation is the cause. This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber (fat) on them. Twenty years ago, the gray whale was listed as an endangered species. Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food. More whales create more pressure on the food supply, a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino. Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied. This makes it hard to find the reason for death A. Twice as many. B. Three times as many. C. Half as many. D. About the same. [单项选择]女性,46岁。有隆乳史,无意中发现左乳包块。查体:左乳外上象限可扪及一2cm×3cm包块,质硬,边界欠清,尚可推动。超声检查:肿块形态不规则,边缘呈分叶状,未见明显包膜。彩色多普勒超声显示肿块内血流分布杂乱,可探及高阻力动脉血流信号。乳腺良性与恶性肿瘤的超声检查鉴别要点是()
A. 边界是否光滑、完整 B. 内部是否有钙化灶 C. 后方是否有回声衰减 D. 肿块纵径与横径比值>1,支持恶性肿瘤诊断 E. 以上都是 [单选题]育婴师正确记录婴幼儿( )是学习生长监测的主要目标(1分)
A.脑发育曲线 B.生长发育曲线 C.生活习惯 D.心理变化 E.以上均正确 [单项选择]男,68岁,阵发性胸闷3年,持续加重6小时后突发意识丧失。查体:BP40/20mmHg,双肺呼吸音清。心率32次/分,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及杂音。血清肌钙蛋白水平增高。最可能的心律失常是()
A. 心房颤动 B. 心室颤动 C. 室性心动过速 D. 二度房室传导阻滞 E. 三度房室传导阻滞 [多选题]《在用工业管道定期检验规程》中规定使用单位承担的义务有( )。
A.制定检验计划 B.按时申报检验 C.提供安全检验环境 D.负责检验所必需的辅助工作 [判断题]进入涡轮增压器的气体是瓦斯气。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]腐蚀性介质的管道,应敷设在管线带的上部。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]计算机发展过程按使用的电子器件可划分为四代,其中第四代计算机使用的器件是( )。
A.晶体管 B.超大规模集成电路 C.小规模集成电路 D.电子管 [单选题]新生儿硬肿症复温时的暖箱温度一
A.0.5-1℃ B.1-2℃ C.2-3℃ D.3~4℃ E.4-5℃ [多项选择]下列属于项目对经济影响的层次是( )。
A. 个人层面 B. 集体层面 C. 社会组织层面 D. 产业及部门层面 E. 区域和宏观经济层面 [单选题]行为锚定等级评价法是将( )和等级评价有效地结合在一起,通过行为等级评价表来评价员工。
A.关键事件 B.绩效标准 C.胜任特征 D.工作行为 我来回答: 提交