Nine states and the District of
Columbia are doing away with the sales tax on items such as clothes, shoes and
even notebooks over the next few weeks, just in time for back-to- school
shopping. Most of the promotions last only a few days, so shoppers will have to act quickly to get a tax break. The tax holidays, which have already expired in two other states, apply to small and large items. For example, the tax break applies to any school supply that costs $15 or less in New Mexico. In Massachusetts, it covers most retail purchases of $2,500 or less. Stores may offer additional savings because these events "give retailers an opportunity to have a sale on top of what the state is doing," says Verenda Smith, government affairs associate at the Federation of Tax Administrators. No industry-wide figures are available about how much consume A. $10 million B. $47.4 million C. no statistics available D. nearly a 3 percent increase [单项选择]
A 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 The giant (巨人) had a big house and a beautiful garden. One day in the summer, the giant went to the mountains. The children went into his garden. They were playing in it. The birds, the trees and the flowers were happy because the children were there. When the giant came back from the mountains, he was angry to see the children. "Don’t come into my garden," said the giant. The children were afraid of him. They ran out of the garden. When winter came, the birds flew away. The trees had not any leaves. There were not any flowers. There was a lot of snow in the garden. When spring came, nothing happened in the giant’s garden. But outside the giant’s garden, birds were singing. Flowers were beautiful and trees were green. The giant didn’t know what the reason was. Then the birds said, "We are not going to sing in your garden because there are no children there." The flowers and the leaves said, "We are not going to come ou [单选题]以下关于市场细分策略的说法中,不正确的是( )。
A.在采用集中策略时,只选择一个市场作为目标市场 B.相对于差异性策略,集中策略风险较小 C.相对于集中策略,差异性策略成本费用较高 D.中小银行适合采用集中策略,大中型银行适合采用差异性策略 [简答题]父母或者其他监护人在保障适龄女性儿童少年接受义务教育方面有何义务?
A.矿物性粉尘 B.金属性粉尘 C.人工无机性粉尘 D.植物性粉尘 E.动物性粉尘 [单选题] ( )是指劳动者在职业活动中,接触粉尘、放射性物质和其他有毒有害物质等因素而引起的疾病。
A.职业病 B.矽肺病 C.神经性耳聋 D.皮肤病 [判断题]物体能吸引铁类物质的性质叫磁性。具有磁性的铁磁物质称为磁体。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]桥式起重机吊装可用到的起重机包括()。
A. 汽车式起重机 B. 轮胎式 C. 履带式 D. 塔式起重机 [多选题]我国规定的安全电压等级包括()。
A.12V B.24V C.36V D.70V [单选题]砂浆片试件的剪切测试,当试件破坏后,应测量试件破坏截面的尺寸,且应每个方向测量两次,两次测量结果应怎样取值( )
A.分别取最大值 B.分别取最小值 C.测量结果之和 D.分别取平均值 [判断题]【配电安规】工作票上所列的安全措施应包括所有工作任务单上所列的安全措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]职位分析需要收集和整理的信息包括( )。
A. 建设项目管理的内部和外部的环境信息 B. 与工作有关的信息 C. 人员管理计划 D. 与潜在任职者相关的信息 E. 高层管理者的信息 [单选题]JZ-7型空气制动机的管路系统中设有( )个变向阀。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单项选择] {{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}