The flying fox is not a fox at all. It
is an extra large bat that has got a fox’ s head, and that feeds on fruits
instead of insects. Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes
when at rest, and travel in great crowds when out flying. A group will live in
one spot for years. Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy (占用) a single
tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel among themselves
and fight for the best places until long after daylight. Flying foxes have babies once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to carry the baby on her breast (胸) wherever she goes. Later she leaves it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls down to the ground and squeaks (尖叫) for help. Then the older ones swoop down and try to pick it up. If they fai A. They help when a baby bat is in danger. B. They let a baby bat fall down to the ground and forget it. C. They only care for their own babies. D. They share the feeding of their young. [单选题]机械设备、装置、容器等爆炸后产生许多碎片,飞出后会在相当大的范围内造成危害。一般碎片在()米内飞散。
A.10~50 B.1~5 C.1000~5000 D.100~500 [填空题]在其它条件不变的情况下,升高温度会使反应平衡向热量()方向移动
[填空题]Science textbooks and technical and professional journals are usually made up of several parts and contain various special features, many of which have a standard format. 【B1】 usually contain a large number of these parts; journals and 【B2】 contain many, but not all of them.
Knowing where to look for information and 【B3】 to expect in a book can greatly increase your ability to use all the information there. Explanations of and practice using some of these textbook parts and 【B4】 are covered in these even numbered lessons. The features in textbooks are 【B5】 into the following three categories. Front matter is the 【B6】 -numeral paginated section at the front of most books. The text is the main body of the book. The 【B7】 matter comprises the additional sections at the back of most books. 【B8】 our discussion of these three sections will deal mainly with textbooks, the practice provided will greatly 【B9】 your comprehension of scientific 【B10】 as well.
A. A.information B.abilities C.features D.expectation [判断题] 远动工作站应双机配置,应能根据运行需求设置为双主机或热备用工作方式。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在需要相对人无条件遵从的时候,()是最有效的。
A.强制性工具 B.志愿性工具 C.混合性工具 D.法律 [单选题]在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过( )m时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [判断题]断面图与剖视图的区别在于:断面图仅画出物体剖切处断面的形状,而剖视图除画出剖切处断面的形状之外,还应画出剖切平面(断面)后的可见部分的投影。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为区别风险等级,三级作业风险应以()标注。
A.蓝色 B.黄色 C.橙色 D.红色 E.略 F.略 [单选题]关于制备I2标准溶液错误的说法是( )
A.由于碘的挥发性较大,故不宜以直接法制备标准溶液 B.标定I2溶液的常用基准试剂是Na2C2O4 C.I2应先溶解在浓KI溶液中,再稀释至所需体积 D.标定I2溶液的常用基准试剂是As2O3 [单选题]
正向查找希望将()作为应答的资源数据。 A.内存地址 B.文件大小 C.域名 D. IP地址 [单选题]接头病害整治标准,速度Vmax>120km/h,钢轨接头顶面或内侧错牙(mm)不得大于()。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [单项选择]男性患者,45岁,因单侧面颊部发作性针刺样疼痛2年余就诊。疼痛持续数秒钟至2分钟不等。检查该患者时应特别注意()
A. 面颊部有无触发点 B. 面肌反射性抽搐 C. 有无面色憔悴、情绪低落 D. 面部疼痛觉及角膜反射是否正常 E. 面部、口腔卫生是否正常 [单项选择]下述哪种产品可采用差异性营销()
A. 大米 B. 食盐 C. 煤炭 D. 服装 [多选题]正确把握救人与灭火的关系,应针对不同的现场条件,分别采取( )等战术措施。
A. 先救人后灭火 B. 先灭火为救人创造有利条件 C. 救人与灭火同步进行 D. 灭火与救人分开进行 [单选题]无论车间和现场,井控装备凡密封部位拆装后(检修或更换零部件),应对所拆开的部位( )检验。
A.重新进行密封试压 B.检查 C.分析 D.验收 [单选题]尿崩症病人尿液比密常低于( )。
A.1. 001 B.1. 002 C.1. 003 D.1. 004 E.1. 005 [单选题]观测三角形三个内角后,将它们求和并减去 180°所得的三角形闭合差为( )。
A..中误差 B..真误差 C..相对误差 D..系统误差 [多选题]全心全意为人民服务,是我们党( )。
A.区别于其他一切政党的根本标志 B.从中国实际出发,依靠党和人民的力量进行革命、建设、改革的必然结论 C.全部理论和实践的立足点 D.一切行动的根本出发点 E.一切行动的根本落脚点 [报关编码]两用物项管制结构复合材料的层压
A.无位移 B.变形 C.锈蚀现象 D.无放电痕迹 [单选题]在下列沉桩措施中,对周围环境影响最大的( )。
A.采取预钻孔沉桩 B.设置防震沟 C.采取由远到近的沉桩顺序 D.控制沉桩速率 [单项选择]有关TRH兴奋试验下列描述哪项错误()
A. 于基础状态下和静脉注射TRH后分别于不同时间采血测定血清TSH浓度 B. 了解反馈调节功能 C. 甲亢的辅助诊断 D. 用于原发性与继发性甲低的诊断与鉴别 E. 甲亢呈过度反应 [单项选择]关于双卵双胎的描述,正确的是 ()
A. 两个胎儿共用一个胎盘 B. 两个卵子分别受精形成 C. 两个胎儿性别一致 D. 约占双胎妊娠的1/3 E. 两个胎儿血液相通 [判断题]在建铁路工程发生事故,国铁集团将立即参与事故调查,并对施工单位采取限制市场准入措施:死亡1人,国铁集团暂扣全国停标1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现工务机械车制动、走行及与安全有关的总成、部件有故障时,应停止()。
A.运行或作业; B.运行; C.作业; D.施工 [单选题]为防止脱硫后烟气携带水滴对系统下游设备造成不良影响,必须在吸收塔出口处加装( )
A.水力旋流器; B.除雾器; C.布风托盘; D.再热器。 [单选题]宜放在药斗架较下层的药组是
A.天麻、钩藤与刺蒺藜 B.苦杏仁、桔梗与桑白皮 C.焦麦芽、焦山楂与焦神曲 D.地风皮、千年健与五加皮 E.石决明、珍珠母与瓦楞子 我来回答: 提交