The Deer’s Death{{/B}} He ran close, and again stood still, stopped by a new fear. Around him the grass was whispering and alive. He looked wildly about, then down. The ground was black with ants, great energetic ants that took no notice of him, but hurried towards the fighting shape. And as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped. Now he could hear nothing but a bird singing, and the sound of the rustling (沙沙声) whispering ants. He peered over at the blackness that twitched with the jerking(抽搐) nerves. It grew quieter. There were small twitches from the mass that still looked vaguely like the shape of a small animal. It came into his mind that he could shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it .again. The d A. late afternoon B. close to midnight C. just after dawn D. already dark [单项选择]
To compete in today’s fast-paced competitive environment, organizations are increasingly allowing contractors, partners, visitors and guests to access their internal enterprise network. These users may connect to the network through wired ports in conference rooms or offices, or via wireless access points. In allowing this open access for third parties, LANs become (1). Third parties can introduce risk in a variety of ways from connecting with an infected laptop to unauthorized access of network resources to (2) activity. For many organizations, however, the operational complexity and costs to ensure safe third party network access has been prohibitive. Fifty-two percent of surveyed CISOs stated that they currently use a moat and castle" security approach, and admit that defenses inside the perimeter are weak. Threats from internal users are also increasingly a cause for security concerns. Employees with malicious intent can launch (3) of service attacks or s [单项选择]无风险利率是影响权证理论价值的变量之一。一般来说,当其他影响变量保持不变时,无风险利率的增加导致()。
A. 认股权证的价值增加 B. 认沽权证的价值增加 C. 认股权证的价值减少 D. 认沽权证的价值不变 [判断题]飞机颠簸分为三个等级,分别是轻度颠簸、中度颠簸、严重颠簸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]始发、( )列车发车时,检车员应在指定位置送车,重点观察配件无脱落、折角塞门无关闭等
A.中转 B.直达 C.直通 D.小运转 [多项选择]营老爷的过程包括:()。
A. 请老爷 B. 送到祠堂祭 C. 文游 D. 武游 [单选题]()在汽车研制是屡遭挫折而毫不动摇,成功地制造出内燃机汽车。
A.本茨和戴姆勒 B.奥托和勒诺巴赫 C.瓦特和博尔顿 D.本茨和勒诺巴赫 [多选题]我国能源安全新战略的核心要义是"四个革命、一个合作",即∶推动( ),全方位加强加强国际合作, 实现开放条件下的能源安全。
A.能源消费革命 B.能源开采革命 C.能源供给革命 D.能源技术革命 E.能源体制革命 F.能源机制革命、 [多项选择]施工质量的影响因素中,属于4M的有( )。
A. 方法的因素 B. 材料的因素 C. 机械的因素 D. 人的因素 E. 环境的因素 [单选题]AB血型人的红细胞膜上和血清中分别含
A. A凝集原,抗
B. B凝集原,抗B凝集素
C. A凝集原,抗B凝集素
A. B.B凝集原,抗 C.抗B凝集素 D. E.B凝集原,不含抗A凝集素和抗B 凝集素 [单项选择]以下是常用的表面除锈方法的是()。
A. 涂料保护 B. 环氧砂浆涂抹 C. 钢丝刷除锈 D. 松节油刷洗 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量标准》规定,担任列车值班员,必须任列车员职务实际工作满两年以上方可任职。
A.20,2,100 B.21,2,100 C.21,2,99 D.21,1,99 E.21,1,100 [单项选择]对于基层管理者来说,具备良好的()是最为重要的。
A. 人际技能 B. 概念技能 C. 技术技能 D. 管理技能 [判断题]事后维修已经造成了即定的损失,包括停工、较高的恢复成本、较多的人工时间等,是最浪费的维修形式
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]行车事故发生后,由( )部门负责勘察现场和事故调查。
A. 工务 B. 安监 C. 公安 D. 机务 [多项选择]适用治安调解正确的是()
A. 治安调解都应当公开进行 B. 治安调解一般为一次,必要时可以增加一次 C. 对调解最终未达成协议,公安机关应当对违反治安管理行为人依法予以处罚 D. 达成调解协议后在履行之前反悔的,公安机关强制执行调解协议 [多选题]根据《电力通信安规》,电力通信工作票可由()填写
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.工作票签发人 D.工作班成员 [填空题]
How to mark a book{{/B}}
One of the best ways of doing the most (1) ______ kind of reading is probably to (1) ______ mark the book you are reading. One reason for marking up a book accordingly is to keep a reader (2) ______. An- (2) ______ other reason is to keep a reader thinking along with reading. It would be an (3) ______ (3) ______ reading. And the third reason is to help a reader remember the thoughts he had in his reading or the thoughts the author expressed. Different from reading a book such as Gone with the Wind which is only for (4) ______, reading of a great book, (5) ______ in (4) ______ ideas and beauty should be active. Writing in a book could also (6) ______ a reader’s (5) ______ mind and preserve them better in memory. [单项选择]检验批的质量应按主控项目和( )验收。
A. 保证项目 B. 一般项目 C. 基本项目 D. 允许偏差项目 [多选题] 执行非居民照明电价的非工业用的电力如:( )、( )、( )、( )、电解、电化等用电,其用电设备总容量不足3千瓦,而又无其他非工业用电者。
A. 电动机 B. 冶炼 C. 烘焙 D. 熔焊 [填空题]调节迈克耳逊干涉仪,在视场中看到20环等倾亮条纹,此时移动反射镜M1,观察到亮条纹从中心冒出了10环,视场中还剩10环,设光源的波长为600nm,则M1移动的距离为()
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