Did you ever have someone’s name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it (21) this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do something (22) for a couple of minutes, and the name may come into your head. The name is there. Since you have met (23) person and learned his name. It only has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall (24) the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (25) that go to work to dig up a dim memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn’t loosen your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful (26) examinations. They read over the questions (27) trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones (28) which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (29) ; work is being done on the more difficult question. By the time the easier question
A. movements
B. activities
C. procedures
D. deeds
上述实验可以说明()是免疫反应所需的细胞. Fishermen on the high seas have plenty
of worries, not the least of which are boat-tossing storms, territorial
squabbles and even pirates. Now Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Dalhousie
University in Halifax, Canada, has added another. After studying, among other
things, global catch data over more than 50 years, he and a team of 13
researchers in four countries have come to a stunning conclusion. By the middle
of this century, fishermen will have almost nothing left to catch. "None of us
regular working folk are going to be able to afford seafood," says Stephen
Palumbi, a Stanford University marine biologist and co-author of the study
published in Science. "It’s going to be too rare and too expensive." Don’t tell that to your local sushi chef. Over the past three decades, the fish export trade has gr A. fishermen are afraid of pirates and storms most. B. people should take measures to secure fish supply. C. about 50 years later, we won’t be able to eat fish. D. Worm expects global catch data to continue surging. [单选题]世界上三大地震带是( )。
A.环太平洋地震带、印度洋地震带和海岭地震带 B.环太平洋地震带、欧亚地震带和海岭地震带 C.欧亚地震带、北极洋地震带和环太平洋地震带 D.印度洋地震带、北冰洋地震带和环太平洋地震带 [单项选择]颈膨大横贯性病变可出现下列临床表现,但哪项除外()
A. 两上肢呈周围性瘫痪,两下肢呈中枢性瘫痪 B. Horner综合征 C. Beevor征 D. 排尿障碍 [判断题]《汽车贷款管理办法》为便于对汽车贷款进行风险管理,将借款人细分为个人、汽车经销商和机构借款人,并首次明确除中国公民外,在中国境内连续居住1年以上(含1年)的港、澳、台居民以及外国人均可申请个人汽车贷款。
[单选题]下列关于ETF(交易所上市基金)的表述,正确的是( )。
A.ETF与开放式基金有着本质区别 B.个人投资者可以在场外购买ETF份额 C.ETF不可以用现金申购或赎回 D.ETF在交易便利性方面与其他指数型开放式基金没有区别 [单项选择]患者男性,26岁。主述发热、全身酸痛,头痛、乏力等,伴有阵发性刺激性干咳,红细胞冷凝集素试验阳性,血清肺炎支原体抗体阳性。如果在治疗过程中患者出现剧烈腹泻,肠壁坏死,发热,体液渗出,休克等症状,应考虑()
A. 二重感染 B. 过敏反应 C. 胃肠道反应 D. 肝脏损害 E. 肾脏损害 [简答题]猪笼草功效与作用
A. 膈俞、次谬 B. 中脘、胃俞 C. 膀胱俞、中极 D. 太溪、命门 [单项选择]治疗小儿痰热咳嗽,治疗应选()
A. 桑菊饮 B. 清宁散 C. 桑杏汤 D. 金沸草汤 E. 桑白皮汤 [单选题]时钟系统,接收GPS和BITS信号的一级母钟设置于()。
A.控制中心通信机房 B.每条线路居中位置车站 C.每条线路车场之一 D.随机选择 [多选题]高大模板支撑系统是指,建设工程施工现场( )的模板支撑系统。
A.混凝土构件模板支撑高度超过8m B.混凝土构件搭设跨度12m~18m C.混凝土构件搭设跨度超过18m D.施工总荷载大于15kN或集中线荷载大于20kN/m [单项选择]中度脱水的累积损失量应补充()
A. 50~100ml/kg B. 90~120ml/kg C. 100~120mL/kg D. 120~150ml/kg E. 150~180ml/kg 我来回答: 提交