Everyone knows that in the city of Pisa
in Italy there is a tower that "leans". The tower is built entirely of white marbles. The walls are 13 feet thick at its base. It has eight storeys and is 179 feet high. There is a stairway of 300 steps built into the walls, which leads to the top. At the top of the tower, you’ll see the city and the sea. The sea is six miles away. At the top, the tower is 16.5 feet out of the perpendicular. In other words, it "leans" over by 16.5 feet. If you were to stand at the top and drop a stone to the ground, it would hit 16.5 feet away from the wall at the bottom of the tower! What makes it lean Nobody really knows the answer. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to lean when it was built; it was supposed to stand straight. It was intende [单选题]( )爆炸不属于化学爆炸。[易]
A. 炸药 B. 可燃气体 C. 粉尘 D. 液化气钢瓶 [单项选择]我国刑法规定,具有刑事责任能力的人是:()
A. 年满14周岁的人 B. 精神病人 C. 未成年人 D. 不满14周岁的未成年人 [简答题]我国的国防政策同帝国主义国防政策的主要区别是什么?
[填空题]例行观测中整点观测自分开始,分采集数据,分前发出报文。( )
[单选题]06ZG001278.负荷管理终端显示符号G}或C}表示无法拨号,( )设置不正确。
A.APN B.用户名 C.密码 D.APN或用户名或密码 [判断题]禁止客货混装。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]起落架向后收上后,飞机将产生力矩()。
A.抬头 B.低头 C.阻尼 D.滚转 [单项选择]OAKVILLE UNIVERSITY
SEPTEMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES Present: Mr. Metcalfe President Ms. Bolton Dean of Business Mr. Prout Dean of Humanities Mr. Gerard Dean of Social Sciences Mr. Kenneth Dean of Education Absent: Mr. Asari, university’s Dean of Admissions, due to an international education fair. Items covered: 1. The minutes of the April 30th meeting were read and accepted. 2. Computers in two labs need to be updated, Mr. Gerard suggested purchasing hard drives from a local computer repair business to save on funds. He will take care of ordering and arranging for delivery. 3. Ms. Kenneth drew up a new teacher’s assistant contract. The board agreed to the new version for all teachers’ assistants hired for the upcoming academic year. NOTE: The new contract should reduce the number of complaints made by the assistants. 4. A change to the gymnasium and sports equipment must A. New computers B. New teachers’ assistants C. An increase in funding D. A new gymnasium [简答题]公司系统的招标采购的项目通过什么方式确定评标专家成员?
[单选题]AB011安全标志用色中绿色的含义是( )。
A.停止,禁止,高度危险 B.指令,必须遵守的规定 C.提示,安全状态,正常通行 D.警示,注意,小心行动 [单项选择]多发的T期膀胱癌,治疗后多次复发并且恶性程度增高应行( )
A. 膀胱灌注抗癌药 B. 姑息性手术+化疗+放疗 C. 膀胱全切除术 D. 膀胱部分切除术 E. 经尿道肿瘤切除 [判断题]蒸汽减压时,按照蒸汽压力等级由高中低的次序依次进行减压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]GB/T19000-2000(idt ISO 9000:2000)表示()国际标准。
A. 采用 B. 等同采用 C. 等效采用 D. 非等效采用 [单选题]党的十九届六中全会重点研究( )
A.宪法修改 B.深化党和国家机构改革 C.全面总结党的百年奋斗的重大成就和历史经验 D.坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化 [单选题] ( )是中国特色社会主义的本质要求和重要保障。
A.全面依法治国 B.全面从严治党 C.全面发展经济 D.全面可持续发展 [单选题]客车塞拉门脚踏板表面应有良好的( )措施。
A.防冻 B.防滑 C.防腐 D.防滑、防腐 [单项选择]具有温中补虚,和里缓急功用的方剂是()
A. 理中丸 B. 小建中汤 C. 吴茱萸汤 D. 一贯煎 E. 逍遥散 [单选题]血浆晶体渗透压主要生理作用
A.维持红细胞形态 B.维持上皮的细胞功能 C.调节血管内外晶体分布 D.调节毛细血管内外的水分分布和交换 E.调节机体的晶体分分布 我来回答: 提交