Barbie Dolls In the mid 1940’s, the young ambitious duo Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a company that made wooden pictures frames. It was in 1945 that Ruth and Elliot Handler joined with their close friend Harold Mattson to form a company would be named MATTEL, MATT for Mattson, and EL for Elliot. In the mid 1950’s, while visiting Switzerland, Ruth Handler purchased a German Lilli doll. Lilli was a shapely, pretty fashion doll first made in 1955.She was originally fashioned after a famous cartoon character in the West German Newsletter, Build. Lilli is the doll that would inspire Ruth Handler to design the Barbie doll. With the help of her technicians and engineers at Mattel, Barbie was born. Ruth then hired Charlotte Johnson, a fashion designer, to create Barbie’s wardrobe. A. She does not attract young men. B. She has undergone many changes over the years. C. She is 11.5 inches tall. D. She has managed to keep up with fashion. [单选题]仓库火灾的分水阵地应设置于距外墙不小于( )处,方便阵地转移和大型车辆疏散转运物资。
A.15m B.10m C.5m D.20m [单选题]单阀在全制动位时,制动缸自0升至( )kpa的时间为2~3s。
A. 250 B. 260 C. 28O [多项选择]目前全球已经形成了()等跨国互联大电网。
A. 亚洲欧洲互联电网 B. 北美互联电网 C. 欧洲统一电网 D. 俄罗斯—波罗的海电网 [单项选择]下列哪项不是与健康有关的体能?()
A. 心肺耐力 B. 肌肉力量 C. 跑的速度 D. 柔韧性 [单选题] 低压接地线和个人保安线的截面积不得小于( )平方毫米。
A.12 B.16 C.25 D.36 [单选题]( )类型的产品具有新颖的特点,能够在市场上占据优势,并给企业带来丰厚的利润
A.全新型 B.完美型 C.改良型 D.微瑕疵型 [单选题]经互感器接入电能表的装拆、现场校验工作,应有防止电流互感器()次侧开路、电压互感器二次侧短路和防止相间短路、相对地短路、电弧灼伤的措施。
A.一次 B.二次 C.高压 D.低压 [判断题]商业银行可担任主承销商的债券品种包括非金融企业债务融资工具、一般性金融债和利率债
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]证券市场按照品种结构不同,可以分为交易所市场和柜台市场。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]平面汇交力系的合力对平面内任一点的力矩等于力系中各力对同一点的力矩的代数和。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]本预案( ),应报市城市轨道交通行政主管部门( )、集团公司安全监察部进行备案。
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