I have had just about enough of being treated like a
second-class citizen, simply because I happen to be that put-upon member of
society--a customer. The more I go into shops and hotels, banks and post
offices, railway stations, airports and the like, the more I am convinced the
things are being run solely to suit the firm, the system, or the union. There
seems to be a deceptive new motto for so-called "service" organizations--Staff
Before Service. How often, for example, have you queued for what seems like hours at the Post office or the supermarket because there were not A. demands by cashiers for a pay raise. B. insignificant benefits for the customers. C. a rise in the coat for providing service. D. needs to purchase expensive equipment. [单项选择]肾动态显像在进行利尿试验时,下列哪一种说法不妥
A. 试验前患者需饮水300ml,保持体内有充足的水分 B. 利尿肾动态和常规显像条件必须一致 C. 检查前需排尿 D. 适用于肾盂积水伴肾功能明显受损的患者 E. 利尿试验目的是为了区分机械性梗阻和单纯肾盂扩张 [单选题]"自动转报系统固定格式公务电报SVC. LR CID XXX( )X EXP XXX( )X
A.报头错 B.流水号用重或报文漏发 C.报文错 D.指令错 [单选题]下列不属于施工现场事故处理的是( )。
A.施工现场水污染的处理 B.施工现场噪声污染的处理 C.施工现场空气污染的处理 D.施工现场有害气体的处理 [简答题]JZ-7型空气制动机自阀手柄不同位置时,列车管相对应的空气压力是如何要求的?
A. 贸易保护主义弊端已被革除 B. 各资本主义国家经济出现繁荣局面 C. 美国的经济实力受到严重削弱 D. 英美苏等大国间的合作仍在维持 [简答题]某一歌舞厅设置在二级耐火等级多层建筑的四层,应符合《建规》的哪些特定要求?答出5点即可。
[单项选择]Children all like films ______ from fairy tales.
A. adapted B. adopted C. admitted D. adjusted [单选题]国家对义务教育阶段就学给予教育救助的包括( )。
A.残疾人家庭成员、特困供养人员 B.最低生活保障家庭成员、特困供养人员 C.最低生活保障家庭成员、老年供养人员 D.受灾家庭成员、特困供养人员 [单选题]继发性闭经是指曾建立正常月经后,因某种病理性原因而月经停止几个月以上者:()
A.4个月 B.6个月 C.8个月 D.12个月 [判断题]使用吊车立、撤杆时,钢丝绳套应挂在电杆的适当位置以防止电杆突然倾倒。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上年积分排名在本队伍后3%的
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交