Many people will have heard of the
Alexander technique but have only a vague idea what it is about. Until earlier
this year, I didn’t have the faintest idea about it. But, hunched over a
computer screen one day, I noticed that the neck-and backache I regularly
suffered were more painful than usual. I consulted a doctor, who said: "I can
treat the symptoms by massaging your neck and upper back. But you actually have
bad posture. That is what you need to get sorted out. Go off and learn the
Alexander technique." I had regularly been told by friends and family that I tend to slouch in chairs but had thought bad posture was something one was born with and could do nothing about, That is not true. Dentists and car mechanics, among others, tend to develop bad posture from leaning over patients or engine bays. Mothers often stress and strain their necks and A. ( inevitably cause physical pain B. ( can be difficult to change C. ( are a consequence of actions we perform D. ( develop in early childhood [判断题]农商银行查询客户征信信息产生的费用由农商银行承担,不得向客户转嫁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]():气体火灾,如煤气、氢气等燃烧形成的火灾。
[单项选择]关于信用卡诈骗罪,说法正确的是:( )
A. 甲抢走单身独行的年轻女子的挎包,并拿出其中的信用卡消费5000元,甲成立抢夺罪,消费行为是其事后的不可罚行为 B. 乙盗窃某公司的信用卡,然后到商场消费,买走手机两部,价值1万多元,乙成立盗窃罪和信用卡诈骗罪 C. 丙盗窃他人信用卡,不仅消费,而且透支数万元,丙成立盗窃罪和信用卡诈骗罪 D. 丁盗窃他人伪造的信用卡准备消费,因被识破而没有买到东西,丁不成立犯罪 [单选题] 军用列车的开行条件之一:客车( )辆或者代客车20至36辆。
A.5至10 B.10至18 C.15至18 D.18至25 [填空题]消毒、杀虫、灭鼠由( )____部门负责组织实施,( )____配合。(管规第104条)
[多选题]下列哪些属于施工现场的安全防护用具?( ) 。
A.绝缘鞋 B.模板 C.安全帽 D.安全带 E.消防桶 [判断题]积分调节的缺点是有滞后作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在细菌之间直接传递DNA是通过下列何种结构进行()
A. 鞭毛 B. 普通菌毛 C. 性菌毛 D. 中介体 E. 核糖体 [名词解释]情感
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
在EPQ中,能够反映个体情绪稳定性程度的维度为( )。 A.神经质 B.内外向 C.精神质 D.掩饰性 E.兴奋性 [单项选择]1853年以后,法国工程师们开始拟出一些重力坝的设计准则,出现了以()断面为基础的重力坝断面。
A. 梯形 B. 矩形 C. 拱形 D. 三角形 我来回答: 提交