Time, as we know it, is a very recent
invention. The modern time-sense is hardly older than the United States. It is a
by-product of industrialism--a sort of psychological analogue of synthetic
perfumes and aniline dyes. Time is our tyrant. We are chronically aware of the moving minute hand, even of the moving second hand. We have to be. There are trains to be caught, clocks to be punched, tasks to be done in specified periods, records to be broken by fractions of a second, machines that set the pace and have to be kept up with. Another time-emphasizing entity is the factory and its dependent, the office. Factories exist for the purpose of getting certain quantities of goods made in a certain time. The old artisan worked as it suited him with the result that consumers generally had to wait for the goods they had ordered from h A. regret B. doubt C. impatience D. nonresistance [填空题]判断是否为接地故障的方法是先在任意一端测量A—地、B—地及C—地的(____),测量时另外两相不接地。
[多选题]下列对落地的竖向洞口的防护措施哪些是正确的( )
A.加装开关式的安全门 B.加装工具式的安全门 C.使用防护栏杆,下设挡脚板 D.使用密目式安全网封闭 E.加装固定式的安全门 [单项选择]调度操作在线路故障跳闸后,调度员下达巡线指令时,应明确是否为()。
A. 带电巡线 B. 故障巡线 C. 紧急巡线 D. 全线巡线 [单选题]伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想,紧密相连、相互贯通、相互作用,其中起决定性作用的是( )。
A.伟大斗争 B.党的建设新的伟大工程 C.伟大梦想 D.中国特色社会主义伟大事业 [多项选择]环境影响后评价包括( )。
A. 检查对减少环境影响的措施落实程度和效果 B. 判断评价提出的环保措施的有效性 C. 对环境的实际影响程度进行系统调查和评估 D. 对一些评价时尚未认识到的影响进行分析研究,并采取补救措施,消除不利影响 E. 验证环境影响评价结论的正确可靠性 [填空题]不在司机一侧作业且采用( )调车时,推进调车的速度不得超过15km/h。
[判断题]中心锚结绳范围内不得安装吊弦和电连接。两端距相邻的吊弦或电连接距离不得小于 1000mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面哪个不是防抬机的措施:()
A. 设置真空破坏阀 B. 增设转轮上的止推环 C. 分段关导叶 D. 设置泄水锥 [单选题]品德形成的标志是( )。
A.道德信念 B.道德评价能力的形成 C.价值内化 D.道德行为习惯的养成 [简答题]《铁路客运运价规则》中儿童票可享受 的优惠,儿童票票价按相应客票和附加票票价的50%计算。
追究( )。 [多选题]受煤坑作业有哪些要求( )。
A.受煤坑上必须盖有坚固的箅子 B.其眼孔不得大于 300 mm×300 mm C.卸煤时,箅子不准拿掉 D.在受煤坑的工作地点,必须设置声、光信号 我来回答: 提交