The research was done by a Dr.
Griffiths in England. He compared the behavior of 15 regular gamblers (赌徒) with
those of 15 non-regular gamblers before and after they gambled. Both groups had
increased heart rates during gambling because it was exciting. But the regular
gamblers’ heart rates went down almost straight after the game, while the
non-regulars remained excited and had in- creased heart rates for
longer. When the heart beat increases, the body produces one chemical called endorphins which make you feel good. Dr. Griffiths thinks that regular gamblers lose this good feeling soon after a game and need to play again quickly to regain the pleasure. He has also discovered that regular gamblers have different psychological reactions (心理反应) from non-regular gamblers. In an experiment where regular and non-regular gambler A. Their bodies produce less endorphins during the game. B. They don’t consider losses in a game as reasonable near wins. C. Their bodies have no reaction to beta blockers. D. They have faster heart rates during the game. [判断题]液力偶合器是一种保护装置,起挠性连接作用,一般安装在减速机和传动滚筒之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]焊接切割设备保护接零的具体做法是用一根导线( )。
A.一端接零线,一端接焊机外壳 B.一端接地,一端接焊机外壳 C.一端接地,一端接零 D.一端接地,一端空载 [多选题]危险辨识对象主要有哪些( )。
A.危险物品或 能量 B.作业程序 C.硬件设施 D.作业活动 E.管理活动 [单选题]五行之中,木是水的
A.母 B.子 C.所胜 D.所不胜 E.以上均非 [单选题]At the beginning of the activity, the author revealed his ()__.
A.curiosity about taking part in the mountain climb for charity. B.expectation of writing about his experience. C.disappointment in the coming adventure. D.lack of enthusiasm for the challenge he’d been offered. [多选题]消防员作战进攻时,必须选择正确的( )。
A.喷射器材 B.药剂 C.进攻路线 D.射水(射流)方式 [单选题]构件运输及吊装时的混凝土强度应符合设计要求,当设计无要求时,不应低于设计强度的( )。
A.0.5 B.0.7 C.0.75 D.0.85 [单选题]25Hz叠加ZPW-2000A电码化的轨道电路可在()调整入口电流。
A.BMT25HZ变压器 B.NGL隔离盒 C.送端电阻盒 [多选题]纤维转盘滤池的运行过程包括( )。
A.过滤 B.反冲洗 C.排泥 D.沉淀 [单选题]消除线路过负荷,必要时可下令( )机组。(0.5分)
A.启动 B.停运 C.并列 D.解列 [单项选择]五输穴中“荥”穴的分布位置在()。
A. 肘关节附近 B. 膝关节附近 C. 掌指或跖趾关节之前 D. 掌指或跖趾关节之后 E. 腕、距小腿关节之前 [单项选择]当移动台处于位置更新时,以下哪种描述是错的?()
A. 该移动台不能起呼 B. 当该移动台作被叫时,主叫将收到“被叫手机暂时无法接通”的录音通知 C. 当该移动台作被叫时,主叫将收到“被叫手机忙,请稍后再拔!”的录音通知 D. 移动台处于“弱信号”状态 [单选题]>在速度小于 120km/h 运行区段的区间作业时,要在作业区的两端( )处各设一名防护员。
A.1000m B.1200m C.600m D.800m [单项选择]进入矿山尾矿库时,应预先了解有关尾矿库情况,并采取相应安全措施,防止工作人员陷入尾矿库,行进小组应在()以上。
A. 5人 B. 4人 C. 3人 D. 2人 [多选题]GOOSE通信参数配置主要包括( )
A.MAC-Address B.APPID C.VLAN-ID D.VLAN-Priority [单选题]在规定比例内,局、总队级单位可对支队级单位评选先进基层单位的比例,支队级单位可对基层单位评选优秀基层指战员的比例作适当调整,但增减幅度不得超过( )。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [单选题] 能用于熔化极氩弧焊保护气体的是()。
A.一氧化氮 B.氮气 C.氩气 我来回答: 提交