David Landes, author of The Wealth and
Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, credits the world’s
economics and social progress over the last thousand years to "Western
civilization and its dissemination." The reason, he believes, is that Europeans
invented systematic economic development. Landes adds that two unique aspects of
Europeans culture were crucial ingredient in Europe’s economic growth. First, Landes espouses a generalized form of Max Weber’s thesis that the values of work, initiative, and investment made the difference for Europe. Despite his emphasis on science, Landes does not stress the notion of rationality as such. In his view, "what counts is work, thrift, honesty, patience, tenacity." The only route to economic success for individuals or states is working hard, sp A. they lack Work ethic. B. they lack rationality. C. they are scientifically backward. D. they are victimized by colonists. [判断题]根据《国家电网公司供电客户服务提供标准》,客户欠费停电告知服务的服务渠道包括客户现场、95598供电服务热线、电子渠道。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局客运站车火灾爆炸事故应急预案》的通知(南铁客[2017]40号),工作原则。客运站车火灾爆炸事故应急处置应遵循“统一指挥,快速反应,以人为本,迅速扑灭,减少损失”的基本原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电客车在AW3载荷工况下,丧失1/2动力的情况下,列车仍然可以在运营线最大的坡道上起动,并运行至最近的车站。(核心)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某商品编号是一个三位数,现有五个三位数:126、918、574、320、694,其中每一个数与商品编号恰好都有一个数字在同一个数位上。这个商品编号是()。
A.162 B.924 C.530 D.328 [填空题]泡沫的()是决定泡沫各种性质的主要依据,是泡沫形成的骨架。
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