Researchers investigating brain size
and mental ability say their work offers evidence that education protects the
mind from the brain’s physical deterioration. It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages, but the effects on mental ability are different from person to person. Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage. "That may seem like bad news," said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. However, he explained, the finding suggests that education allows people to withstand more brain-tissue loss before their mental functioning begins to break down. The study, published in the July issue of Neurology, is the first to provide biologica A. The brain of an aged person shrinks 5% every 10 years. B. The brain of an adult person shrinks 2.5% every 10 years. C. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 4 years of education may increase only slightly. D. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 8 years of education may increase by 17.7 millimeters. [单项选择]
核衰变反应公式为: 式中Q表示为( )A. α衰变 B. β-衰变 C. 母核 D. 子核 E. 衰变能 [单选题][单选题]交接班时,由( )警卫人员通报人员车辆出入、队容风纪检查、领导交办事项等值班情况。 (1分)
A. 接班 B. 交班 C. 主班 D. 备班 [单项选择]男性,38岁,身高165cm,体重75kg,2型糖尿病。服用药物控制血糖。某日,突然出现出汗、心慌、手抖、头晕、烦躁以及全身无力。该病人最佳救助措施是()
A. 立即口服糖水或含糖饮料 B. 给予牛奶 C. 给与菜汁 D. 静脉输注葡萄糖 E. 给与矿泉水 [多选题]下列装备中属于呼吸保护器具的有( )。
A.过滤式防毒面具 B.强式送风机 C.氧气呼吸器 D.空气呼吸器 [多选题]在热的作用下,在预定的温度范围内自行启动或根据火灾信号由控制设备启动,并按( )设计的的一种喷水装置叫洒水喷头。
A.洒水形状 B.洒水流量 C.温度洒水 D.面积洒水 [单选题]铁路稽查执行任务时,应( ),特殊情况可先执行任务。
A.事先与列车长取得联系 B.先出示证件 C.事先声明 D.不用出示任何证明 [单项选择]下列组织中的恶性肿瘤不可能是肉瘤的是()
A. 软骨 B. 血管 C. 平滑肌 D. 腺体 E. 纤维组织 [单选题]患者女,50岁。近口角处颊黏膜白色斑块近1年,不能擦去。组织学见上皮增生,内有中性粒细胞浸润和散在微脓肿,角化层有垂直于上皮的PAS阳性菌丝,结缔组织内慢性炎细胞浸润。最可能的病理诊断是
A.白斑 B.红斑 C.口腔结核性炎 D.念珠菌病 E.慢性盘状红斑狼疮 [判断题]螺旋菌是弯曲的杆菌。
[多选题] 巡视接地装置是,应检查接地体有无(____)外露、严重锈蚀,在埋设范围内有无土方工程。
A. 外露 B. 开裂 C. 破损 D. 严重锈蚀 [单项选择]人民音乐家冼星海的故乡是()。
A. 山东 B. 丹东 C. 辽东 D. 广东 [多选题] 安全设施分为( )。
A.预防事故设施 B.检测事故影响的设施 C.控制事故设施 D.减少与消除事故影响设施 我来回答: 提交