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World oil production is about to reach a peak and go into its final decline. For years, a handful of petroleum geologists, including me, have been predicting peak oil before 2007, but in an era of cheap oil, few people listened. Lately, several major oil companies seem to have got the message. One of Chevron’s ads says the world is currently burning 2 bbl. of oil for every barrel of new oil discovered. Exxon Mobil says 1987 was the last year that we found more oil worldwide than we burned. Shell reports that it will expand its Canadian oil-sands operations but elsewhere will focus on finding natural gas and not oil. It sounds as though Shell is kissing the oil business goodbye. M. King Hubbert, a geophysicist, correctly predicted in 1956 that oil production in the U. S. would peak in the early 1970s--the moment now known as "Hubbert’s Peak", I believe world oil production is about to reach a similar peak.
Finding oil is like fis
A. is sympathetic to Shell.
B. worries about the oil industry.
C. takes a neutral attitude towards oil industry.
D. is optimistic about the oil production.
Much new knowledge is admittedly remote
from the immediate interests of the ordinary man in the street. He is not
intrigued or impressed by the fact that a noble gas like xenon can form
compounds—something that until recently most chemists swore was impossible.
While even this knowledge may have an impact on him when it is embodied in new
technology, until then, he can afford to ignore it. A good bit of new knowledge,
on the other hand, is directly related to his immediate concerns, his job, his
politics, his family life, even his sexual behavior. A poignant is the dilemma that parents find themselves in today as a consequence of successive radical changes in the image of the child in society and in our theories of childrearing. At the turn of the century in the United States, for example, the dominant theory reflected the prevailing scientif A. (A) critical of prolonged maternal care of the infants B. (B) tolerant of their babies’ thumb-sucking habits C. (C) aware of the importance of weaning infants early D. (D) fired of picking their babies up the minute they cried [单选题]病人在进行脑室引流时,护士随时观察脑脊液的颜色、性质及量,引流量以每天不超过()为宜。
A.100ml B.200ml C.300ml D.400ml E.500ml [单选题]1.53 驾驶车辆进入高速公路加速车道后,应尽快将车速提高到每小时多少公里以上?
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单选题]叶菜类原来如果用盐水洗涤,一定要控制盐的浓度和()。
A.侵泡温度 B.原料数量 C.原料色泽 D.浸泡时间 [单选题]因生产安全事故受到损害的从业人员,除依法享有工伤保险外,依照有关民事法律尚有获得赔偿的权利的,有权向本单位提出( )要求。
A.补偿 B.经济救济 C.资金补偿 D.赔偿 [简答题]各单位可靠性归口管理部门主要职责是什么?
[单选题]甲欲杀死仇人乙,在乙开的出租车座位下安放了定时炸弹,结果不仅炸死了乙,同时炸死了乘客丙、丁,还炸毁了出租车。甲的行为构成( )。
A..故意杀人罪和破坏交通工具罪 B.爆炸罪 C.爆炸罪和破坏交通工具罪 D.故意杀人罪 [单项选择]某款手机按25%利润定价后,又按8.5折出售,结果还盈利了54元,那么这款手机的成本是多少元( )
A. 698 B. 768 C. 864 D. 1054 [单选题]作业全部完成时,由作业组负责清理作业地点,工作领导人会同( )检查作业中涉及的所有设备。
A.牵引变电所工长 B.值班员 C.发票人 D.调度值班员 [单项选择]根据《起重机械超载保护装置》(GB12602-2009),使用交流电源的装置应具有抗干扰措施,并通过规定的浪涌抗扰度试验,其中表4中规定的线对线的开路试验电压为()伏特。
A. 1000 B. 2000 C. 3000 D. 4000 [判断题]入境旅游者不管因何种原因要求提前离开中国,导游都要请示旅行社。( )
[多选题]安检人员一言一行都影响着中国民航形象,也影响着( BC )的声誉。
A.家庭 B.国家 C.民族 D.个人 [简答题]酒的分类。
[单选题]3.180. 第180题
受理分布式光伏并网申请后,供电公司会与客户预约时间勘察现场,服务时限为企业客户自受理并网申请之 日起()个工作日内完成。 A.7 B.5 C.3 D.2 [判断题]在运行中若必须进行中性点接地点断开的工作时,应先建立有效的旁路接地才可进行断开工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电流互感器铭牌上所标的额定电压是指()。
A.一次绕组的额定电压 B.一次绕组对二次绕组和对地的绝缘电压 C.二次绕组的额定电压 D.一次绕组所加电压的峰值 [多选题]设有站内平过道预警系统的车站在调车作业,()前,应由车站值班员通知平过道看守员。
A.反方向接、发车 B.接入机外停车的列车 C.动车组通过 D.接入退行的列车 我来回答: 提交