By the Treaty of Paris of 1763, which
ended the war with the French and the Indians, England gained possession of
Canada and all the territory east of the Mississippi River. French influence on
this continent thus came to an end; England now controlled most of North
America. But the war had been long and expensive. England had many debts.
GeorgeⅢ, king of England, after consulting with his advisers, decided that the
American colonists (殖民者) should help pay some of the expenses of this war. A
standing English army of 10,000 men had been left in the colonies (殖民地) for
protection against the Indians. The English government also felt that the
colonists should share in the expenses of maintaining this army. The result was
a series of measures, the Grenville Program, passed by Parliament and designed
to rais A. was an act about selling stamps at prices from a few cents to almost a dollar B. required that all commercial and legal documents in America have stamps on them C. was one of the causes of the American Revolution D. chiefly affected business people who felt it would ruin their businesses [单项选择]足太阳膀胱经与足少阴肾经相交的部位是()
A. 手小指端 B. 足小趾端 C. 手无名指端 D. 手大指端 E. 足大趾端 [单项选择]对于通过选择某种途径和有效的解决方案一次性地解决冲突问题的情形,称为( )。
A. 动态解决冲突问题 B. 全面解决冲突问题 C. 静态解决冲突问题 D. 总体解决冲突问题 [判断题]架空绝缘导线可以视为绝缘设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]17.根据《行政许可法》的规定,下列哪些事项可以不设定行政许可?( )
A.行政机关能够自主决定的 B.市场竞争机制能够有效调节的 C.行业组织或中介组织能够自律管理的 D.行政机关采用事后监督等方式可以解决的 [单选题]机动车在道路上变更车道需要注意( )。
A.尽快加速进入左侧车道 B.不能影响其他车辆正常行驶 C.进入左侧车道时适当减速 D.开启转向灯迅速向左转向 [单选题]下列少数民族政权及其创建者之间对应关系完全正确的一组是( )。
A.鲜卑族:前秦:拓跋珪 B.契丹族:辽:耶律阿保机 C.蒙古族:元:成吉思汗 D.女真族:后金:皇太极 [单项选择]房颤粗颤波表现为()
A. V1导联上f波>0.1mV B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AvF导联上f波>0.1mV C. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AvF导联上f波>1mV D. V1导联上f波>1mV E. 以上都不对 [单选题] 以下不是内分泌器官的是( )。
A. 甲状腺 B. 肾上腺 C.松果体 D. 胃 [单选题]工作许可时,工作票一份由工作负责人收执,其余留存于()处。
A.工作票签发人或专责监护人 B.工作票签发人或工作许可人 C.工作许可人或用户负责人 D.工作许可人或专责监护人 E.略 F.略 [单选题]属于脾动脉分支的是( )
A.胃左动脉和胰支 B.胃右动脉和胃后动脉 C.胃十二指肠动脉和胃短动脉 D.胃网膜左动脉 E.胃网膜右动脉 [单选题]关于表示在一定时间水平、一定概率下所发生最大损失的要素是( )。
A.违约概率 B.非预期损失 C.预期损失 D.风险价值 [填空题]具有80个结点的完全二叉树的深度为______。
[单选题]木工机械刀具运动速度高,容易造成伤害事故。木工加工过程的危险有害因素是( )。
A.模具的危险伤害,木工设备结构具有的危险伤害,木粉尘危害 B.模具的危险伤害,噪声和振动危害,火灾和爆炸 C.噪声和振动危害,电动机转速降低,木粉尘危害 D.机械伤害,木材的生物和化学危害,火灾和爆炸 [判断题]维修天窗:双线不应少于120分钟,单线不应少于90分钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]保险公司定期宣布的,用于计算保单账户价值中资产增值的利率是( )。
A..保证利率 B..结算利率 C..红利 D..现金价值 [单选题]影响分局以下会议点不能参加会议达(),为通信一类障碍。
A.30分钟 B.5分钟 C.10分钟 D.15分钟 [单项选择]终止妊娠可选用()
A. 甘遂 B. 番泻叶 C. 芫花 D. 巴豆 E. 火麻仁 [判断题]其他站线道岔计划维修验收评分标准规定:岔枕(钢岔枕除外)位置或间距偏差不大于60mm时,不扣分。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]HIV Vaccine Feat Leaves More Questions Than Answers
Only hours after HIV vaccine researchers announced the achievement of a milestone that has eluded them for a quarter of a century, they began plotting their next steps—and coming back to reality. Their ultimate goal, halting the spread of AIDS, remains far in the future. A Thai and American team had announced early Thursday in Bangkok that they had found a combination of vaccines that provided modest protection against infection with HIV, offering the first proof of principle that the deadly disease could be tamed by teaching the immune system to recognize the virus and defeat it. Scientists around the world hailed the achievement. But by Thursday afternoon, the initial wave of joy had given way to the recognition that many questions will have to be answered before researchers can produce a vaccine that will reliably shield people from HIV. For starters, it could take years to figure out the biological mechanisms that pr [多选题]遇下列()情况禁止调车作业。
A.设备或障碍物侵入线路设备限界时; B.货物装载、加固不符合规定时; C.制动系统故障不具备运行条件时; D.禁止两台机车或车列在同一线路上同时移动; [多选题]本题中()属于消防联动控制系统的组成设备。
A.消防联动控制器 B.消火栓按钮 C.消防应急广播 D.可燃气体报警控制器 [判断题]下列做法是否正确:电气检修人员在生产现场发现某台疏水泵运行电流摆动过大,为防止该泵烧损,电气检修人员将该泵停止运行并告知运行人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]119. 行政复议机关应当自受理申请之日起六十日内作出行政复议决定;但是法律规定的行政复议期限长于六十日的除外。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]防止间接接触触电,通常采用的安全技术措施有()。
A. 特低电压 B. 漏电保护 C. 电气隔离 D. 双重绝缘 [单项选择]属于准公共产品的是()。
A. 国防 B. 行政管理 C. 立法 D. 大学教育 [单选题]不属于巡检三件宝的是()
A.对讲机 B.板手 C.抹布 D.阀板 [单项选择]某计算机字长16位的机器码1111 1111 0000 0000,表示无符号的整数时对应的十进制表达式为 (5) ,表示一个带符号整数的反码时,该机器码表示的十进制表达式为 (6) ,该数的补码是 (7) 。
A. -(215-28) B. -(216-28) C. -(28-1) D. -28 我来回答: 提交