Obviously, the per capita income of a
country depends on many things, and any statistical test that does not take
account of all important determinants is misspecified, and thus must be used
only for descriptive and heuristic purposes. It is nonetheless interesting--and
for many people surprising--to find that there is a positive and even a
statistically significant relationship between these two variables: the greater
the number of people per square kilometer the higher the per capita
income. The law of diminishing returns is not invariably true. It would be absurd to suppose that a larger endowment of land ipso facto makes a country poorer. This consideration by itself would, of course, call for a negative sign on population den A. comes not from the birth rate of the citizens but rather from the influx of others. B. is a natural result because the citizens have more money for children. C. is only an artifact based on a declining birth rate. D. does not invalidate the population growth of poorer countries. [单项选择]王维《老将行》“昔时飞箭无全目,今日重杨生左肘”中,代语“杨”的使用是为了()
A. 避重复 B. 求新雅 C. 适应格律 D. 避忌讳 [单选题] 乙烯装置消防栓应按建筑防火规范设定,通常消防栓端口压力应高于() Mpa。
A.0.3 B.0.35 C.0.5 [判断题]屈光性近视眼眼轴长度超出正常范围,角膜和晶状体曲率在正常范围。
A. 行为面试 B. 情景面试 C. 结构化面试 D. 压力面试 [判断题]对可能发生误碰危险的安装位置,应将拆下的通信线用绝缘胶布进行包扎,作业人员不得直接触碰通信线导体部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]调度日计划的编制应坚持一排、二卸、三装的运输组织原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两台及两台以上链条葫芦起吊同一重物时,重物的重量应小于( )。
A.所有链条葫芦的允许起重量相加 B.各链条葫芦的平均允许起重量 C.每台链条葫芦的允许起重量 D.对角线上的链条葫芦的平均起重量 [单选题]男,55岁。肝硬化8年,查体有少量腹水,如患者应用利尿剂,首选的是()( )
A.甘露醇 B.螺内酯(安体舒通) C.乙酰唑胺 D.氢氯噻嗪 [判断题]工作任务单应一式两份,由工作票签发人或工作负责人签发。工作任务单由工作负责人许可,一份由工作负责人留存,一份工作票签发人留存。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电动吊篮用钢丝绳安全系数不应小于()。
A.7 B.8 C.9 [判断题]在银保融易贷业务放款前,分行需通过CECM系统向总行申请领用保险公司担保额度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 轴承轴向间隙的测量,可以用塞尺和百分表进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]混凝土轨枕扣板、轨距挡板严重磨损、锈蚀,扣板、轨距挡板前后离缝超过( ),应有计划地修理或更换。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [单项选择]在新农村建设重点工程中,新建和改造农村公路( )公里,实现所有具备条件的乡镇和行政村通公路。
A. 110万 B. 120万 C. 130万 D. 140万 [单选题]二压力机构空重车调整装置制动时副风缸的风压通过三通阀,一部分进入制动缸,另一部分进入( )。
A. 列车管 B. 降压风缸 C. 工作风缸 D. 大气 [单选题]基础施工前核实现场环境,如与设计不符,应上报(____)。
A.项目部 B.建设单位 C.设计单位 D.监理单位 [单选题] 特种设备事故调査应当自事故发生之日起( )内结束。
A.30日 B.45日 C.60日 [单项选择]卵巢纤维瘤伴胸腹水形成称为()。
A. Meniere B. Down C. Meigs D. Cushing E. 类癌综合征 [判断题]在输入有功功率一定的条件下提高功率因素,看提高水轮发电机的有效材料的利用率,不只可减轻水轮发电机的总质量
[单项选择]Which of the following is Not the reason why some people don't do well on the IQ test
A. Spending too much time on a single .question. B. Carelessness. C. Lack of persistence. D. Getting the wrong answer. [多项选择]James is about to be made redundant by Quark Ltd. He is seeking advice on the taxation of his redundancy payment
and on the sale of shares acquired via an approved share incentive plan. He intends to form Proton Ltd, which is expected to be treated as a personal service company, and wants to know how much better or worse off he will be as compared to the job he is about to lose. The following information has been obtained from a meeting with James. James - Income, national insurance and capital gains tax position: - James is paid a salary of £70,000 per year by Quark Ltd. - He is not contracted out of the State Second Pension. - He has no income other than that from Quark Ltd and Proton Ltd in the tax year 2012/13. - He withdrew shares from the Quark Ltd approved share incentive plan on 1 September 2012. - His disposal of the shares in Quark Ltd is his only disposal for the purposes of capital gains tax in the tax< A. 3,000 B. Travelexpenses reimbursed to James C. 1,500 D. Dividendspaid to James E. 18,000 F. 1 G. Whereapplicable, the above amounts are stated excluding value added tax (VAT). H. 2 I. Thetravel expenses are those which will be necessarily incurred by James in performing the work for Quark J. Ltd and the other customers of Proton Ltd. K. (a) Identify the income tax, national insurance contribution and capital gains tax implications, if any, of the L. withdrawal and subsequent sale of the shares in Quark Ltd, the redundancy payment and the payment in lieu M. of notice. N. (b) (i) Prepare calculations to determine the effect on James’s annual income, after deduction of all taxes, of O. workingfor Proton Ltd rather than Quark Ltd. P. (ii) Calculate the effect on James’s annual income, after deduction of all taxes, if the income of Proton Q. Ltdwere not regarded as being in respect of relevant engagements. R. (c) Give three examples of specific contractual arrangements that would assist in arguing that the relationships S. between Proton Ltd and its customers do not amount to relevant engagements such that they would no T. longer be covered by the personal service company (IR35) legislation. Assume that the tax rules and rates for 2011/12 continue to apply in subsequent years. [单选题] 乙炔瓶发生火灾,不可以用( )灭火。
A.干冰灭火器 B.黄沙 C. 水 D.四氯化碳灭火器 [填空题]一旦有Statement对象,就能够使用它和 【15】 方法来发送SQL请求。
A.2mg/kg B.20mg/kg C.300mg/kg D.1mg/kg E.浸润麻醉时,利多卡因一次最大用量( ) 我来回答: 提交