The 1960s saw the great civil rights movement whose goals were to end segregation (种族隔离) laws completely and fight for the equal rights for the colored people. Many American blacks began to have a new mood. They declared that "black is beautiful", and the black community showed signs of unprecedented self-confidence. (46) Equally important, many black leaders began to disclaim full integration into the American mainstream as the goal of the black minority. (47) Instead, they argued, blacks ought to coexist with other groups in a plural society containing different and distinctive communities living in mutual respect.
The elimination of legal barriers to advancement has been a major gain for the blacks, but institutionalized discrimination is still rife. Housing, in particular, remains highly segregated: the great majority of blacks continue to live in neighborhoods that are overwhelmingly black, and most whites live in neighborhoods that are overwh
"You don’t have to wait for government
to move... the really fantastic thing about Fairtrade is that you can go
shopping ! "So said a representative of the Fairtrade movement in a British
newspaper. Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University,
argues that "when you choose organics, you are voting for a planet with fewer
pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies. " The idea that shopping is the new politics is certainly seductive. Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead. Elections occur relatively rarely, but you probably go shopping several times a month, providing yourself with lots of opportunities to express your opinions. If you are worried about the environment, you might buy organic food ; if you want to help poor farmers, you can do your A. impartial. B. optimistic. C. pessimistic. D. skeptical. [单项选择]X线的荧光作用不能用于()
A. X线透视荧光屏 B. X线摄影增感屏 C. CT机的晶体探测器 D. X线治疗 E. 影像增强管 [单选题]扣件式钢管脚手架为建筑施工而搭设的、承受荷载的,由( )等构成的脚手架。
A.交叉支撑和连接棒 B.连接棒和钢管 C.锁臂和钢管 D.扣件和钢管 [简答题]简述中外古代教育的特点?
[单选题]洛伦兹曲线代表( )。
A.收入与消费的关系 B.收入与劳动的关系 C.收入与投资的关系 D.收入不平均程度 [单项选择]2012年5月10日,期货市场首个上市新品种——白银期货正式挂牌交易,这意味着国内市场上市了第( )个贵金属期货交易品种。
A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 [单选题],本小题1分
系统问题主要是由于电压未达到启动电压,造成(____)无法工作、无法启动,由于组件或逆变器原因造成发电量低等,系统部件可能出现的典型问题有接线盒烧毁、组件局部烧毁。 A.太阳能组件 B.逆变器 C.升压变压器 D.降压变压器 [单选题]工作绝缘是( )。
A. 不可触及的导体与可触及的导体之间的绝缘 B.保证设备正常工作和防止触电的基本绝缘 C.可触及的导体与带电体之间的绝缘 D.带电体与地之间的绝缘 我来回答: 提交