There are over 6 000 different computer
and online games in the world now. A segment of them are considered to be both
educational and harmlessly entertaining. One such game teaches geography, and
another trains pilots. Others train the player in logical thinking and problem
solving. Some games may also help young people to become more computer literate,
which is more important in this technology-driven era. But the dark side of the computer games has become more and more obvious. "A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language," says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and Family. "Unfortunately, it’s a segment that seems particularly popular with kids aged eight to fifteen." One study showed that almost 80 percent of the computer and online games young people prefe A. allow the players to take part in killing acts B. teach the players to be antisocial C. make the players forget the real life results D. that young people like contain violence [判断题]【判断】 交流电流的有效值和最大值之间的关系为:I=Im.根号2。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]专用备胎使用的正确的做法是( ) 。
A.在轮胎漏气临时使用 B.作为正常轮胎长期使用 C.发生爆胎时临时使用 D.不能作为正常轮胎使用 [单选题]《医疗事故处理条例》规定,残疾生活补助费应根据伤残等级,自定残之日起最长赔偿
A.10年 B.15年 C.20年 D.30年 E.5年 [判断题]客户侧现场作业应执行“双许可”制度。客户侧用电检查(反窃查违)现场作业可不执行“双许可”制度,由供电方许可人许可后,即可开展客户侧用电检查(反窃查违)相关工作
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]和因果性研究相对应的研究方法是()
A. 观察调查法 B. 问卷调查法 C. 实验调查法 D. 深度访谈 [单项选择]According to the passage, a large population will provide a chance for developing ______.
A. agriculture B. national economy C. industry D. transport system [单选题]当因乘客挤门导致单樘滑动门障碍物探测保护时,正确的操作是( )。
A.LCB操作至隔离 B.LCB操作至手动位 C.等待自动恢复 D.互锁解除接发车 [判断题]尽可能地把动火时间和范围延长到最大限度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,因线路中断造成列车不能继续运行时,铁路组织旅客换乘其他列车绕道运输,绕道运输乘坐原座别、铺别时票价不补不退,变更座别、铺别时,补收或退还差额。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 调车长要根据计划要求,了解作业准备情况,通知司机开始作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前,我国发现并已识读的最早文字是:
A. 甲骨文 B. 金文 C. 小篆 D. 籀文 [填空题]综合实践活动课程是高中课程的八大领域之一,包括研究性学习、社区服务与社会实践三方面 内容,共_个学分。
A. 20% B. 30%~35% C. 5% D. 10% E. 25% [多项选择]硫酸奎宁的鉴别试验有
A. 在稀硫酸溶液中显蓝色荧光 B. 在稀氢氧化钠溶液中显蓝色荧光 C. 在微酸性水溶液中加溴试液和氨溶液即显翠绿色 D. 加入硫酸铜试液和20%的氢氧化钠溶液,显蓝紫色 E. 加入氯化钡试液,即生成白色沉淀;分离,沉淀在盐酸和硝酸中均不溶解 我来回答: 提交