Sometimes, when people first see an
automobile factory, they think it has no form. It is so big that it is
impossible to see the design of the whole plant. In fact, the factory has
been very carefully de signed, so that it can be as efficient as
possible. There is not just one assembly line in the factory; there are several. On the main one, the chassis (车架) of the car is put together. The chassis is the frame on which the rest of the car is built. In another part of the factory, the body of the car is stamped out on sheets of steel. The body is painted, and then the two assembly lines come together. The body is lowered onto the chassis and fitted to it. Meanwhile, in still another part of the factory, the engine is being put together on another assembly line. The central part of the engine is called the block, and the vari A. will be sold to the customer B. will be shipped to the dealer C. will be kept in the parking lot for shipment D. will be adjusted in the garage [单项选择]下列不属于X线管电参数的有()
A. 最高管电压 B. 最大管电流 C. 最长曝光时间 D. 最大允许功率 E. 有效焦点尺寸 [多项选择]子宫脱垂的临床表现有()。
A. 下坠感和腰背酸痛 B. 肿物自阴道膨出 C. 排尿困难、尿潴留 D. 伴有阴道前壁和膀胱膨出 E. 伴有阴道后壁及直肠膨出 [单项选择]洗鱼后手上有腥味用下列哪种东西可以往除()
A. 牙膏 B. 奶粉 [判断题] ()客户可以在全国范围任一经办理财业务的网点,申请打印其中间业务交易账户卡下的所有理财合同的交易确认单。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 版企标智能电能表出现故障时,显示出错信息码Err-04的故障为(____)。
[单项选择]对项目的策划、资金筹措、建设实施、生产经营、债务偿还和资产保值增值全过程负责的是( )。
A. 项目投资者 B. 项目管理者 C. 项目建设者 D. 项目法人 [判断题]运营单位应当对从业人员进行运营安全教育,保证从业人员具备必要的安全运营知识,熟悉安全生产管理制度和操作规程,掌握本岗位安全操作技能。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交