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Perhaps the most familiar plant
movement belongs to one species of mimosa called the sensitive plant. Within
seconds, it can lower its leaves and make its tiny leaflets close up like
folding chairs. This movement is thought to be initiated by electrical impulses
remarkably similar to nerve signals in animals. But without the animals’
sophisticated motion machinery, the mimosa has had to be creative in devising a
way to move. For motion, the plant depends on tiny, bulb-shaped organs located at the base of each leaf stalk and leaflet. Called pulvini, these organs hold the plant parts in place. When the mimosa is stimulated--say, by a crawling insect or a sudden change in temperature--an electrical impulse sweeps through the plant. This causes potassium and then water to be shifted from certain cells in the pulvini to others, quickly turning one side of the A. drop off B. become limp C. revolve D. twitch [单选题]M1车与M2车之间的连接车钩类型为( )。
A.全自动车钩 B.半自动车钩 C.半永久牵引杆 D.跨接电缆 [单项选择]在软件生命周期中,能准确地确定软件系统必须做什么和必须具备哪些功能的阶段是______。
A. 概要设计 B. 详细设计 C. 可行性设计 D. 需求分析 [单选题]下列不属于消防人员基本防护装备的是( )。(难)
A.消防头盔 B.灭火防护服 C.封闭式防化服 D.空气呼吸器 [多选题]有下列行为之一,造成不良后果或者影响的,于以警告、记过或者记大过;情节较重的,予以降级或者撤职;情节严重的,予以开除:()
A.在值班、备勤、执勤时擅离岗位的 B.在灭火救援战斗行动中,作战消极、临阵畏缩的 C.接到人民群众报警求助后,无故不出警的 D.拒不执行或者变相不执行、拖延执行上级依法作出的决定、命令的 [判断题]调车作业中使用简易紧急制动阀时,起动前,应会同司机进行放风试验。运行中,如发现危及行车或人身安全,应立即发出紧急停车指令并拉阀制动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]氟喹诺酮类药物的作用机制是
A. 抑制细菌的转肽酶而影响细菌黏肽合成 B. 抑制细菌二氢叶酸合成酶 C. 抑制细菌DNA回旋酶,阻碍DNA复制 D. 抑制细菌蛋白合成 E. 以上都不是 我来回答: 提交