It is not forbidden to dream of
building a better world, which is by and large what the social sciences try to
help us to do. How to make cities more harmonious, reduce crime rates, improve
welfare, overcome racism, increase our wealth—this is the stuff of social
sciences. The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often
dismissed as being too theoretical, too ambitious or too unpalatable. The
methods of research are also often attacked for their lack of rigor, and critics
are quick to point out that the people who make the important decisions pay
little attention to what social scientists have to say anyway. This would change
if the social sciences made themselves more relevant and ready for the society
of the 21st century. Social sciences began to take shape in the 19th century, but came into their own at the beg A. believes that the social sciences have become unimportant and unnecessary. B. believes that the social sciences are faced with too many problems. C. speculates that the future of the social sciences may be better. D. considers the social sciences hostile to progress. [单项选择]退役士官退休安置的年龄条件是( )。
A. 40岁 B. 45岁 C. 50岁 D. 55岁 E. 60岁 [多选题] 【考核点:0109020101002;题型:多选题;难度:难;类型:专业】
报告事故应包括以下( )内容。 A.事故发生的时间、地点及事故现场情况; B.事故简要经过; C.事故造成的伤亡人数; D.事故发生单位概况; E.事故严重程度; [判断题]对沥青混合料进行质量评定时不得多次取样混合后使用。
A.心肌炎 B.心肌病 C.心肌梗死 D.二尖瓣狭窄 E.二尖瓣关闭不全 [单选题]灭火总指挥员根据现场情况,必要时可( )参与辅助性行动。A、调集公安、交通等力量
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]ZPW-20008型无绝缘移频自动闭塞,信号机械室内部的各种配线全部采用()
A.阻燃线 B.通信电缆 C.信号电缆 D.阻燃屏蔽线 [多选题]温标是衡量温度高低的标尺,它是描述温度数值的统一表示方法(或定义方法)。它明确了( )。
A.温度的单位 B.温度定义固定点的数值 C.温度函数 D.内插仪器和内插公式 [单选题]各一级支行超一定权限、总行部室申请()费用时,由总行办公室审核。
A.职工教育经费 B.会议费 C.业务宣传费 D.职工福利费 [单项选择]某企业“应收账款”科目月末借方余额 40000元,其中:“应收甲公司账款”明细科目借方余额60000元,“应收乙公司账款”明细科目贷方余额20000元;“预收账款”科目月末贷方余额5000元,其中:“预收A工厂账款”明细科目贷方余额30000元,“预收B工厂账款”明细科目借方余额25000元。该企业月末资产负债表中“应收账款”项目的金额为( )元。
A. 40000 B. 30000 C. 50000 D. 85000 我来回答: 提交