There has arisen during this twentieth century (as it arose before, in ages which we like to call dark) a pronounced anti intellectualism, a feeling that both studies and literature are not merely vain, but also (1) untrustworthy. With people swayed by this wrong (2) that there is little use in arguing, either for history or literature, or for poetry or music, or for the arts (3) .
With others, there is still faith that any civilization worthy of the name must be (4) in a ceaseless pursuit of truth. Whether truth is (5) through study or through the arts makes no difference. Any pursuit of truth is not only (6) ; it is the foundation stone of civilization.
The (7) for and reading of history is one of those approaches to truth. It is only ones all the arts and sciences are such (8) . All have their place; all are good; and each (9) with the other. They are not airtight compartments. It is only in a few i
A. speculation
B. meditation
C. intimidation
D. investigation
After a busy day of work and play, the
body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the
body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get
while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day. There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. (10) {{U}}Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed).{{/U}} This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for r A. Sleep B. Good Health C. Dreams D. Work and Rest [单选题]《铁路运输收入管理规程》站、段必须按( )登记“运输进款收支报告”,做到收支正确,账款相符。
A.小时 B.日 C.月 D.年 [单选题]电缆引入装置密封圈内径电缆外径差大于()mm以上时为失爆。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [判断题]发现列车发生火灾时,应通知司机降低速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下面( )情况能在Windows“安全中心”中查明。
A.防火墙是否启用 B.自动更新设置 C.默认共享的设置 D.防病毒软件运行状态 [单项选择]开通手机银行能够证明身份的有效证件不包括()
A. 身份证 B. 护照 C. 军官证 D. 驾驶证 [单选题]轻度的喷射清理,用字母表示为()。
A.Sa1 B.Sa2 C.Sa2.5 D.Sa3 [单选题]从业人员应当接受安全生产教育和培训,掌握本职工作所需的安全生产知识,( ),增强事故预防和应急处理能力。
A. 增强法律意识 B. 提高生产技能 C. 提高安全生产技能, D. 不填 [单项选择]致心源性休克的原因是()。
A. 大出血,回心血流量减少 B. 急性心肌梗塞 C. 对某些药物发生过敏反应造成 [判断题] 根据《国家电网有限公司安全事故调查规程》(国家电网安监〔2020〕820号),在工作过程中,经公安部门认定的自杀,或因病导致伤亡的事件,经县级以上医院诊断和政府安全生产监督管理部门调查,确系本人原因或疾病造成的,都应纳入人身事故统计。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]迄今为止,()拥有世界上排水量最大的核潜艇。
A. 美国 B. 英国 C. 中国 D. 俄罗斯 [判断题] 行政复议机关受理行政复议申请,不得向申请人收取任何费用,行政复议活动所需经费,应当列入本机关的行政经费,由本级财政予以保障。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中央六条禁令要求:严禁滥发钱物,讲排场、比阔气,()。
A.搞奢靡之风 B.搞铺张浪费 C.搞形式主义 D.搞攀比之风 [单选题]淋巴结中能提呈抗原的细胞有( )
A.B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞 B.T细胞和巨噬细胞 C.巨噬细胞 D.巨噬细胞和树突状细胞 E.淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞 [简答题]
Most marketing operations pay close attention to what young people are buying and thinking. Not Britain’s political parties, however, for the simple reason that the under-30s are unlikely to go anywhere near a polling booth. In 1964, 11% of those aged 18 to 24 claimed not to vote, according to the British Election Study. At the general election last year that figure rose to 55%. 46. A report this week by Reform, a think-tank, suggests that this reticence is costing them dearly. Changes in government policy, it argues, have turned being young into a terrible bore. [多选题]民主革命时期,城市小资产阶级包括广大的
A.知识分子 B.自由职业者 C.手工业者 D.小商人 [多选题]着制式服装时应当按照规定扣好衣扣,不得挽袖(着夏作训服时除外),不得()。
A.披衣 B.敞怀 C.卷裤腿 D.抽烟 [单项选择]关于全麻苏醒期的护理哪项叙述是错误的( )。
A. 维持呼吸功能 B. 维持循环功能 C. 保持体温 D. 防止意外伤害 E. 每10小时测量1次生命体征 [单选题]单选题:根据市除雪指挥部发布的除运雪工作方案要求,将降雪预警划分为( )级预警。
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [单选题](36784)起重用钢丝绳的接头,必须采用()。
A.焊接 B.对接 C.插接 D.线卡连接 我来回答: 提交