It’s interesting how little most of US
know about our ancestors or about the history of our family. If you {{U}}(56)
{{/U}} to be nobility(贵族), the history of your family is {{U}} (57)
{{/U}} well {{U}} (58) {{/U}} . But few of us have any such
{{U}} (59) {{/U}}. I first became {{U}} (60) {{/U}} in my own family history four or five years ago when my mother {{U}} (61) {{/U}}me some photographs which I had never seen before-- {{U}} (62) {{/U}} photos of uncles and aunts, great - uncles and great - aunts and grandparents, all {{U}} (63) {{/U}} when they were young. I immediately wanted to try to {{U}} (64) {{/U}} my family {{U}} (65) {{/U}} back as {{U}} (66) {{/U}} as I could, and decided to start {{U}} (67) {{/U}} the photos. First of all I had to rely completely on my mother’s memory for names, the ages of people in the A. always B. repeatedly C. sometimes D. seldom [单选题]您的数据透视表中有一些日期,但当您尝试应用筛选时,'日期筛选'命令并未出现,您认为可能发生了什么问题()?
A.您可能在报表的错误区域中单击以看到 B. 日期未正确设置为日期格式 C. 以上两个选项 [单项选择]原发性三叉神经痛治疗首选的方法()
A. 卡马西平 B. B族维生素 C. 封闭治疗 D. 半月神经节射频电凝疗法 E. 三叉神经微血管减压术 [单选题]东汉哲学家王符说德不称其任,其祸必酷;能不称其位,其殃必大。”“德不称其任,其祸必酷”说明( )。
A.①③ B.②④ C.②③ D.①④ [判断题]学龄前儿童所食用的烹调油应该主要是动物油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列罪名属于贪污贿赂罪的有( )。
A. 挪用公款罪 B. 徇私舞弊罪 C. 巨额财产来源不明罪 D. 玩忽职守罪 [填空题]在道岔及道岔咽喉区卸车时,须由制定有针对性的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Anne-Marie Garrard was shocked when it was announced that she had won the Personal Assistant of the Year award."The other __31__ seemed to be very strong, and I have to say I found the selection really __32__ ," she says,"I don’t think I had __33__ of the chance to win.__34__ I heard my name, my legs were __35__ weak that I could hardly stand up." She laughs.
So how was "the best" personal assistant __36__ from a group of extremely good and very different individuals The __37__ decision was reached after a whole day of tests,interviews and exercises. Garrard believe the skills she uses __38__ her job helped her to perform well. __39__ , although most of her work is for her company’s Managing Director, she works for six bosses __40__, so she always tried to be __41__ for anything that might happen.
Now her firm has __42__ for its summer break, __43__ Garrard is going to relax. __44__ it opens again, there is a pay rise waiting for her. But Garrard is never satisfied with what she h
A. and B. or C. because D. if [单项选择]锅炉是一种密闭容器,具有爆炸危险。下列关于爆炸原因描述错误的是( )。
A. 当锅炉内压力降低,低于允许工作压力,而安全附件失灵,未能及时报警和排汽降压时,则会发生爆炸 B. 在正常压力情况下,受压元件结构本身有缺陷 C. 因制造质量低劣或使用不当而造成损坏等,使锅炉不能承受原来允许的工作压力 D. 锅炉在严重缺水的情况下进冷水 [多项选择]按照《农村合作金融机构信贷风险分类指引》,下列属次级类贷款特征的有()
A. 借款人不能偿还对其他债权人的债务 B. 企业改制对银行债务可能产生不利影响 C. 借款人经营亏损,经营活动现金流量为负值 D. 借款人未按规定用途使用贷款 E. 借款人在其他金融机构的贷款被划分为次级类 [简答题] 货物装车后,货物总重心的投影应位于货车的什么部位?加规-第12条)
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