Urging bored friends to keep playing
with you is not limited to humans. A gorilla (大猩猩) that wants to continue a game
will also try to do this, and will even deliberately lose if necessary. This
hints that gorillas may have "theory of mind"--the capacity to attribute mental
states to others. Richard Byrne and Joanne Tanner of St. Andrews University in the UK videoed gorillas at San Francisco Zoo. As well as engaging with a toy and another gorilla, the animals seemed aware of how their playmate was interacting with the toy. "The gorillas could encourage their playmates when they were losing interest by losing the game, if necessarily," says Byrne. This is the first time animals have been observed following a playmate’s interaction with a third object a skill picked up by humans at 9 months old. If you thought your pet dog does this, you’re wrong. A. persuade his friends to keep playing with him B. prove his "theory of mind" C. attribute mental states to others D. continue the game with his partners [单选题]电缆线路一般应从380V、220V电力线( )通过(易)(基础知识)
A.上方 B.下方 C.左侧 D.右侧 [简答题]银行本票分为(BlankArea)本票和(BlankArea)本票两种,定额银行本票面额为1000元、(BlankArea)元、(BlankArea)元和50000元。
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A.综合 B.专项 C.成本 D.单列 [填空题]上传网元侧配置数据,覆盖网管侧配置数据的操作称为()。
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[多选题]西气东输是我国建设的大型资源区域调配工程之一。下列有关西气东输工程的表述,正确的是( )。
A.包括天然气开发建设、输气管道建设和用户管网建设三部分 B.一线工程于2004年贯通,东至北京、天津 C.二线工程主干线西起柴达木盆地,南至广州 D.调整能源消费结构是实施这一工程的重要原因之一 我来回答: 提交