Each machine supporting TCP has a TCP transport entity, either a library procedure, a user process, or part of the kernel. In all case, it manages TCP streams and () to the IP layer.A TCP () accepts user data streams from local process, breaks them into pieces not exceeding 64KB, and sends each piece as a separate IP () . When datagrams containing TCP data arrive at a machine, they are given to the TCP entity,which reconstructs the original byte streams. The IP layer gives no guarantee that datagrams will be delivered properly, so it is up to TCP to time out and () them as need be. Datagrams do arrive may well do so in the wrong order, it is also up to TCP to () them into messages in the proper sequence.
so it is up to TCP to time out and () them as need be.Government政府
Government is the political system by which a (1) or community is administered and regulated. Most of (2) key words commonly used to describe governments, words (3) as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy, are of Greek (4) Roman origin. They have been current for more (5) 2,000 years and have not yet exhausted their (6) . This suggests that mankind has not changed very (7) since they were coined; but such verbal and (8) uniformity must not be allowed to hide the (9) changes in society and politics that have occurred. (10) earliest analytical use of the term monarchy occurred (11) ancient Athens, chiefly in Plato’s dialogues, but even (12) Plato’s time the word was not self-explanatory. There (13) a king in Macedon and a king in Persia, (14) the two societies, and therefore their institutions, (15) radical [判断题]井下用机车运送爆破材料时,列车的行驶速度不得超过2m/s。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轴的作用是( )(中)
A.降低强度 B.支承零件 C.降低速度 D.增加强度 [判断题](判断题).鸡内金消食健胃,善治一切饮食积滞。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我行个人资信证明项下,对于内容完全相同的资信证明,最多不超过( )份。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.15 [简答题]结合个性及个性差异的有关知识,谈谈如何对学生进行因材施教
[单选题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统,SPT型铁路信号数字电缆,( )总长10km。
A.直径1.0毫米 B.直径2.0毫米 C.直径3.0毫米 D.直径4.0毫米 [判断题]短路产生的冲击电流会产生很大的电动力,其大小可用来校验电气设备在发生短路时的动稳定性.()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]石油中结构最复杂、分子量最大的物质是()。
A. 长直链烷烃 B. 多环芳烃 C. 胶状、沥青状物质 D. 多环环烷烃 [判断题]伤员脱离电源后,对伤者有无脉搏的判断应同时触摸两侧颈动脉。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]查库时,管库员应始终在场,服从查库人员安排,但不参加清查库款。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在扑救高层建筑火灾中,疏散和救助遇险和遇难人员的基本顺序是先着火上层、再着火层、后着火下层。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人力移动杆段时,应动作协调,滚动前方不得有人。杆段横向移动时,应及时将支垫处用木楔掩牢。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交