The visual arts are a class of art
forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, and others, that focus on the
creation of artworks which are primarily visual in nature. The visual arts are
distinguished from the performing arts, language arts, and other such classes of
artwork. The definition is not strict, and many artistic disciplines involve
aspects of the visual arts as well other types. In Britain until recently the fine arts-painting, sculpture, printmaking, and so on-were seen as distinct from craft disciplines and the various metalworking disciplines. This distinction arose from the Arts and Crafts Movement whose political aim was to value daily art forms as much as high forms. The result of the conflict between the two groups was to politicize the products of what we now know as visual artists. British ar A. To promote high forms of arts. B. To distinguish between craft disciplines and the various metalworking disciplines. C. To criticize the fine arts. D. To promote the craft disciplines and the various metalworking disciplines. [判断题]浮物曲线是表示煤中的浮物产率与其平均灰分关系的曲线,曲线上的每一点都有实际含义。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]"高层民用建筑周围所设环形消防车道的宽度不应小于()m。
" A.4 B.5 C.6 D.8 [判断题]吊斗铲正常停机后,电机风机、水系统冷却泵和散热器将继续运行5分钟。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]LED显示屏有什么特点?
A.1500mm B.4500mm C.2100mm D.1050mm [单项选择]在建筑安装工程费中,材料运杂费是指材料由其来源地运到——所发生的全部费用。
A. 工程建设地 B. 施工操作地点 C. 施工工地仓库或指定堆放地点 D. 施工管理场所 [单选题]Ⅱ级施工由施工办主任(副主任)、项目主体业务部门主任(副主任)担任施工协调小组组长、副组长,成员由行车组织、设备管理、建设、设计、施工、监理、安监、项目管理机构等有关部门()和单位主管领导组成。
A.主要负责人 B.主管领导 C.负责人 D.主管人员 [单选题]男性,50岁,间歇性便血10余年,近1个月持续便血,量多,常呈喷射状,感头晕,肛诊齿状线上粘膜呈较大的串珠形隆起应选择哪种治疗为佳
A.注射疗法 B.冷冻疗法 C.胶圈套扎疗法 D.手术切除 E.坐浴 [简答题]在停电检修作业中,开断或接入绝缘导线前,应做好防感应电的安全措施。
[多项选择]产业发展的效率主要是指( )。
A. 产业发展的速度 B. 产业发展的质量 C. 产业发展的效益 D. 产业发展的规模 E. 产业发展的水平 我来回答: 提交