I was wondering through the street when
I caught sight of a strange store; there wasn’t anything but empty shelves at
one end of the room in front of which a man was standing on a (21)
platform(平台) and shouting loudly that the greatest sale of the year
was (22) to begin. I decided to stay and see (23)
would happen. A salesman began to pile (24) of
things on the shelves such as table-lamps, clocks, combs and a large quantity of
small packets (25) in bright paper. When the man at the table
was (26) that a large crowd of peo pie had gathered, he began
handing out the packets, asking for the sum(金额) of three pence (27)
, and declaring the (28) of the contents was fifty
times as much. I paid three pence for my packet and was (29) told I sho A. raised B. risen C. placed D. laid [判断题]Je5B1210YD 客户对答复的供电方案有异议时,可在20天内提出书面意见。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]液压千斤顶主要用于交通事故、建筑倒塌现场的重载荷撑顶作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胶筒表面邵尔硬度应保持在( )之间。
A. 10~20 B. 10~30 C. 20~30 D. 30~40 [单项选择]妊娠24周末,宫底的位置在()。
A. 脐上1横指 B. 脐下1横指 C. 平脐 D. 脐上2横指 E. 剑突下2横指 [判断题]在高压变、配电设备上的临近带电的作业,应签发停电作业工作票?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]上海铁路局关于重新公布《上海铁路局运输收入票据管理实施细则》的通知(上铁收[2017]576号)规定,发现票据不符(请领单记载的实发票据符号、号码与实际收到的票据符号、号码不一致)时,应填制差错记录( )。
A.一式二份 B.一式三份 C.一式四份 D.一式五份 [单项选择]患者,女性,29岁,妊娠7个月。产前检查的尿液化验结果提示尿糖(+++),血标本检查结果示空腹血糖7.5mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖16.4mmol/L,诊断为妊娠期糖尿病。该患者最适宜的治疗是()。
A. 饮食控制和运动疗法 B. 运动治疗 C. 口服降糖治疗与饮食控制结合 D. 口服降糖药治疗 E. 胰岛素注射治疗 [单项选择]现行PC机普遍采用的ISA总线(AT总线)扩充插槽可供插卡使用的硬中断有 ( )。
A. 16级 B. 15级 C. 11级 D. 8级 [判断题]接地线应使用专用的线夹固定在导体上,禁止用缠绕的方法进行接地或短路
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]桥梁上一侧年累计拨道量有什么规定?
A. 肾移植 B. 肝移植 C. 肺移植 D. 骨髓移植 E. 心脏移植 [单选题]截面积为等腰梯形的V传动带,其两腰的夹角( )。
A.30° B.50° C.40° D.60° [单选题]在教师的人格中有两种重要特征对教学有显著影响:一是( ),二是富于激励和想象的倾向性。
A.说到做到 B.热心和同情心 C.重义气讲交情 D.爱心和敬业精神 我来回答: 提交