In Denver, five were pummeled to death
and two more beheaded. In Richmond, Virginia, one was beaten, stabbed and
beheaded, his head then carried nearly a mile and placed for display on a
footbridge. In Seattle, one was stabbed 18 times, another beaten bloody, then
stabbed. They were all homeless people killed over the last year. And these were just the killings that make the news. Exactly how many homeless people have been victims of savage attacks is unknown. Police departments do not tabulate crimes against homeless people, and in many cases, such as several beatings that have frightened the large homeless population in San Francisco, those who survive attacks often do not report them. In many cases, because many people on the streets are mentally ill or drug addicted or both, they are easier to victimize and harder to help A. they learn violence from the movies and TV shows. B. they want to show off among their friends. C. they learn that the homeless are not respectable. D. they want to live a more exciting life. [单项选择]下列各项收入,属于企业其他业务收入的是( )。
A. 出售固定资产收入 B. 出售无形资产收入 C. 罚款收入 D. 出售原材料收入 [不定项选择题]A.淋法
A.抢水洗 B.泡法 C.吸湿回润法 D.蒸法 E.牛膝切制前的软化方法是 [单选题]《计算机信息系统集成企业资质等级评定条件(2012)修订版》的实施细则规定,企业拥有1个信息技术发明专利可等同于( ) 个软件产品登记。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]下列选项中,属于360度考核应用范围的是( )
A.照护人员日常考核 B.照护人员年终评价 C.年终奖金测评 D.照护人员月度绩效 E.团队绩效考核 难度系数:G-C2-3 [单选题]电子招标文件与纸质招标文件具有同等的法律效力。
A.错误 B.正确 [单选题]一个军运号码的车组应一次挂运,如因车辆故障等特殊情况需分批挂运时,须经( )同意并下达命令。
A.列车调度员 B.车站调度员 C.车站值班员 D.驻路局或办事处军代处 [简答题]影响推力的因素有哪些?
[单选题]运行中不得超越机车限界进行作业,电气化区段严禁攀登机车、车辆顶部,途中停车检查时,身体不得( )。(操规)
A.探入车下 B.探入机车车辆连结处 C.侵入临线限界 [单选题](28161)液压传动是依靠( )来传递运动的。(1.0分)
A.压力的变化 B.流量的变化 C.速度的变化 D.密封容积的变化 [判断题]CBTC模式转为BM模式时,必须停车转换,否则列车会产生紧急制动,BM模式转为CBTC模式时,非强制BM模式在条件满足时会自动升级为CBTC模式 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道口铺面宽度应与道路路面宽度相同,且不应小于( )。
A.1.5M B.2.0M C.2.3M D.2.5M [单选题]危险化学品重大危险源应急预案不包括以下哪些内容?( )
A.应急的物资与保障 B.应急机构及职责 C.重大危险源安全管理规章制度及安全操作规程 D.重大危险源基本信息及事故类型和危害程度 [单项选择]
按船规规定,柴油发电机组修理后,对自动电站应进行()试验。 A. a~e B. b~e C. b+c+e D. a+b+c+e [单项选择]以下行为不构成违法行为的是( )。
A. 以自制人民币换取真币 B. 出售自制人民币 C. 在不知是假币的情况下使用了假币 D. 帮助朋友运输了假币,但数额较小 [单项选择]腹部九区分法标志及常用骨髓穿刺部位
A. 胸骨剑突 B. 髂前上棘 C. 腹直肌外缘 D. 腹股沟韧带 E. 肋脊角 我来回答: 提交