DATA AA/1,2,3,4,6/
In the United States, teaching is very
important. If teachers do not teach well, students complain. If many students do
no understand, people think that the teacher does not do a good job. The teacher
has big responsibility to make sure the students understand. In a sense,
students are consumers and teacher is offering services. Students have the right to evaluate their teachers, and they usually do so at the end of each course. That evaluation includes lots of aspects of teachin A. giving a lot of lectures to students B. involving students in discussions C. asking students questions in class D. answering students’ questions in class [单项选择]自耦变压器高压侧零序电流方向保护的零序电流()。
A. 应取自自耦变中性线上的电流互感器二次; B. 应取自变压器高压引线上三相电流互感器二次自产零序电流或三相电流互感器二次中性线电流; C. 取上述两者均可。 [单选题]世界上第一条高速铁路采用的列控系统为()。
A.ATC 系统 B.U/T系统 C.LZB系统 D.ETCS系统 [单选题]轨道交通一般都用( )牵引。
A.A、电力 B.B、人力 C.C、汽油动力 D.D、蒸汽动力 [单项选择]把操作系统分成若干进程,其中每个进程实现单独的一套服务,这种服务模式是()。
A. 对象模式 B. 对称多处理机模式 C. 客户机/服务器模式 D. 对等模式 [单选题]新生儿肺透明膜病病因是
A.肺发育不良 B.产伤 C.肺部炎症 D.羊水吸入综合征 E.缺乏肺泡表面活性物质 [多选题]工完场清包含下列哪些作业内容?
A.所有施工作业人员已撤离 B.动用的设备、设施已恢复正常 C.工器具、物料已撤离 D.防护措施包括接地线等已撤除 E.无妨碍行车和设备安全的因素 [判断题]分类法应以各种产品品种之和作为成本核算的对象。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Expert Systems in the Workplace Science fiction writers have long imagined computers with humanlike intelligence, machines that actually think (31) themselves. Well, they’re here, and they’re called expert systems. If you’ve (32) for a loan or a credit card recently or even had a can of Campbell’s soup, you may already have benefited (33) them. Like many computer programs, expert systems function primarily by going through hundreds of "if... then" (34) doing the kinds of simple "thinking" that we use to run our lives. But expert systems tackle questions more sophisticated than "Should I get up now " They help American Express decide whether to issue someone a credit card and they enable Hewlett- Packard to find flaws in faulty disk drivers in 30 seconds (35) than in days. They also help make scores of decisions at Digital Equipment Corp., ranging from how shifts in demand will affect productio [判断题]管工常用的放样展开方法是平行线法和放射线法两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]若市场由正向市场转变为反向市场,则基差会( )。
A. 走强 B. 走弱 C. 不变 D. 不确定 [单选题]按( )分类,泡沫灭火剂可分为普通泡沫灭火剂和抗溶泡沫灭火剂。
A.生成机理 B.用途 C.发泡倍数D.灭火原理 [单项选择]选择性扩张脑血管的钙拮抗药是:
A. 硝苯地平 B. 尼莫地平 C. 地尔硫革 D. 氨氯地平 E. 维拉帕米 [多选题]步法变换包括( )。
A.齐步换跑步 B.齐步换踏步 C.跑步换齐步 D.跑步换踏步 [单项选择]
2011年8月9日,国家统计局公布数据显示,7月我国CPI同比上涨6.5%,创37个月新高,环比上涨0.5%。政府调控物价采取可行的财政政策是() A. ①② B. ①④ C. ②④ D. ③④ [判断题]《国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则所称“国境口岸”是指设在陆地边境和国界江河的港口、机场、车站、陆地边境和国界江河的关口( )
A. 子宫穿孔 B. 月经失调 C. 精神紊乱 D. 继发不孕 [单项选择](以下3题共用备选答案)
头、面、颈、阴囊部位手术后拆线最好在( )。
A. 3~4天 B. 6~7天 C. 10~14天 D. 视情况而定 E. 分期拆线 [单选题]第一次国共合作的政治基础是( )。
A.A、旧三民主义 B.B、新民主主义 C.C、新三民主义 D.D、社会主义 [填空题]()浏览器可以在手机上实现浏览WAP、WWW网页。
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