All cultures have some system of
measuring duration, or keeping time, but in Western industrialized societies, we
keep track of time in what seems to other peoples almost an obsessive fashion.
We view time as motion on a space, a kind of linear progression measured by the
clock and the calendar. This perception contributes to our sense of history and
the keeping of records, which are typical aspects of Western cultures. Although our perceptions of time seem natural to us, we must not assume that other cultures operate on the same time system. For instance, why should we assume that a Hopi raised in the Hopi culture would have the same intuitions about time that we have In Hopi history, if records had been written, we would find a different set of cultural and environmental influences working together. The Hopi people are a peaceful agricultural society i A. their way of living depends greatly on perseverance and repetition B. they think it necessary to invent their own perception of time C. their language does not contain words referring to motion D. they think everything should proceed in a linear way [单项选择]过期妊娠是指
A. 平时月经周期规律,妊娠达到38周仍未临产 B. 妊娠达到39周仍未临产 C. 平时月经周期规律,妊娠达39周仍未临产 D. 平时月经周期规律,妊娠达42周仍未临产 E. 平时月经周期规律,妊娠达40周仍未临产 [单项选择]"Do you mind my taking this seat " "______".
A. 需2个以上氨基酸借肽键连接 B. 所含氨基酸分子方残基 C. 肽分为寡肽和多肽 D. 最简单的肽为二肽 E. 肽没有氨基末端和羧基末端 [单项选择]工程施工期间,质量监督员应不定期到现场对单项工程合同按比例进行抽查,抽查比例不得低于()
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 [单项选择]Why does the author say "we are deprived of the use of our eyes"
[判断题]为防止电焊弧光伤害眼睛,应采取的防护方式是使用平光镜。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某甲状腺功能亢进症病人用抗甲状腺药治疗已2年,目前无任何甲状腺功能亢进症症状,血清总T3、总T4正常,据此判断可以停用抗甲状腺药而不会复发。
[多项选择]根据国家统一会计制度的规定,企业对外报送的财务会计报告应当经单位有关人员签章,上述有关人员包括( )。
A. 注册会计师 B. 单位负责人 C. 总会计师 D. 会计机构负责人 [多选题]发现金库周围有可疑爆炸物时,()应在守库室相对安全位置持械(),并立即报告()负责人、外部值班人员进一步确认。
A.守库人员 B.警戒 C.保卫部 D.客户 [单项选择]下列各项,不属中国古代医德思想内容的是()
A. 救死扶伤、一视同仁的道德准则 B. 仁爱救人、赤诚济世的事业准则 C. 清廉正直、不图钱财的道德品质 D. 认真负责、一丝不苟的服务态度 E. 不畏权贵、忠于医业的献身精神 [多选题]关于高压试验装置,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地 B.高压引线应尽量缩短,并采用专用的高压试验线,必要时用绝缘物支持牢固 C.试验装置的电源开关,应使用明显断开的双极刀闸。为了防止误合刀闸,可在刀刃或刀座上加绝缘罩 D.试验装置的低压回路中应有两个并联电源开关,并加装过载自动跳闸装置 [判断题]在拌制混凝土中砂越细越好。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]06CG001008 GPRS终端调试时,如果终端信号正常,却不能上线,应首先检查( )。
A. 信号场强 B. 主站IP和端口号 C. 主站IP D. SIM卡 [判断题]需要异地销点的施工,施工结束后,由销点站向行调销点,得到行调销点准许后,通知请点站施工已销点。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]何某在协助公安机关办案过程中,个人信息泄露,经常接到威胁电话。何某请求公安机关对其进行人身保护。公安机关经核实后应当采取的保护性措施有:
A..禁止特定的人员接触何某 B..对何某及住宅采取专门性保护措施 C..根据何某的请求,可以变更其姓名 D..重新安排何某的住所和工作单位 [单项选择]Is the goal to make all of our paper from waste It’’s a (47)______ question. If we collect enough waste, could companies stop using wood altogether The answer is no—but, (48)______ to popular belief, this is not a bad thing.
Although (49)______ rates are higher than ever before, there isn’’t enough to meet the growing demand—not even close. In addition to the fact that people still throw away a lot of (50)______ good paper, there’’s also some that’’s (51)______ and can’’t be recycled (think pizza boxes) , and lots that’’s never thrown away at all (such as books, magazines and filed documents).
Another issue is quality. Wood (52)______ can be recycled between five and seven times before they become too weak and fall apart—so companies have to keep (53)______ new fiber into the system. If you talk to designers and printers, they’’ll also tell you that certain design applications can’’t be met using paper with high recycled (54)______ .
Recently, some enviro
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