People who are hit by lightning and
survive often have long-term effects. These may include memory loss, sleep
disorders, muscle pain and depression. Expels tell people to seek the safety of a building or a hard-top vehicle(运输工具)anytime they hear thunder, even if it is not raining. They say lightning can strike as far as sixteen kilometers from any rainfall. Lightn A. Hide in a building. B. Sit in a ear. C. Bend low to the ground. D. Lie under a tall tree. [单项选择]电力专用UPS逆变部件正常工作时()
A. 常带负载 B. 带半载 C. 不带负载 [单项选择]男,10个月。以哭闹、呕吐24小时来院,腹软,未扪及包块,解果酱样便,诊断为小儿急性肠套叠,首选的治疗方法是()。
A. 急诊手术 B. B超监视下钡剂灌肠 C. X线监视下水压灌肠 D. X线监视下空气灌肠 E. 继续观察 [单项选择]与致病性相关的细菌结构是()
A. 中介体 B. 细胞膜 C. 异染颗粒 D. 牙胞 E. 荚膜 [单选题]火灾自动报警系统一般由触发器件、火灾报警装置、()、电源等四部分组成。
A.火灾警报装置 B.火灾探测器 C.火灾警报器 D.火灾报警控制器 [判断题]与电感三点式振荡电路相比较,电容三点式振荡电路的振荡频率更高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电价改革后,原执行峰谷分时电价政策的工商业用户还继续执行峰谷分时电价。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If you traveled on one of the nation’s Interstates in these last few days before Memorial Day, you might have encountered an unusual sight; bikers by the dozens stretched half a mile down the highway, their motorcycles flying military banners and spewing exhaust.
They are an intimidating bunch. Sheathed in leather from the neck down, they look like physical extensions of their bikes. But these riders are no motley crew. They are members of Rolling Thunder, a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters. Their destination: the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day rally on the National Mall in Washington. Rolling Thunder, which has thousands of members, was founded in 1987 when some Vietnam veterans and advocates for P. O. W. ’s and M. I. A. ’s befriended one another on the mall. They were looking for a special way to promote their cause. Ray Manzo of Hoboken, N. J. , now a former marine, suggested motorcycles. The idea grabbed them. Masses of bikes descending on Washington A. it was a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters founded in 1987 that affiliated to Rolling Thunder National. B. It was an organization founded in 1995 that works year-round for veterans’ fights. C. It was named Rolling Thunder because masses of bikes descending on Washington would literally sound like Rolling Thunder. D. It was named Rolling Thunder because it was the code name for the bombing campaign over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. [单项选择]对于不寐的辨证,下列选项正确的是()
A. 首分病位,次辨虚实 B. 首分虚实,次辨病位 C. 首分标本,次辨病位 D. 首分虚实,次辨寒热 E. 首分病位,次辨久暂 [简答题]如何检查处理母线短路故障?
[单选题]毒物的危害不仅取决于毒物的毒性,还受生产条件、劳动者个体差异的影响。下列关于毒物危害性的说法中,正确的是( )。
A.同类有机化合物中卤族元素取代氢时,毒性减小 B.毒物在水中溶解度越小,其毒性越大 C.毒物沸点与空气中毒物浓度和危害程度成反比 D.氮气是一种无毒的隋性气体,不会产生危害性 [单选题]被处罚人申请暂缓执行行政拘留交纳保证金的,按每日行政拘留( )的标准交纳。
A.200元 B.400元 C.50元至200元 D.200元至500元 [单项选择]重视沟通细节的处理属于()
A. 有效沟通的要求 B. 有效沟通的原则 C. 有效沟通的方法 D. 有效沟通的策略 E. 有效沟通的意义 [判断题]变更车道时只需开启转向灯,便可迅速转向驶入相应的行车道。
根据《安全生产法》规定,( )地方各级人民政府应当组织有关部门制定本行政区域内特大生产安全事故应急救援预案,建立应急救援体系。 A. 省级以上 B. 直辖市 C. 县级以上 D. 乡政府以上 [判断题]新设尚未开始使用及应撤除尚未撤除的信号机,可直接拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者李某,女性,54岁,24小时尿量为3600ml,该患者的排尿状况是( )
A.正常 B.少尿 C.多尿 D.尿潴留 E.尿量偏多 [多选题]在电气设备上工作,保证安全的组织措施有(____)。
A. 现场勘察制度 B. 工作票制度 C. 工作许可制度 D. 停电、验电、接地 [判断题]城轨车辆主要由司机室和动车组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接触网最低工作电压为( )。【铁路劳动安全】第5章
A.29kV B.25kV C.27.5kV D.19kV [判断题]改革开放以来,尽管党的工作中也出现过一些问题,但总体上党和国家事业发展是顺利的,前进方向是正确的,取得的成就是举世瞩目的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列抗凝剂中不是与血液中的钙离子结合:()
A. EDTAK2 B. 草酸钠 C. 枸橼酸钠 D. 肝素 我来回答: 提交