The study of ecology is important for
everyone who cares about our world. Air, water, and land -- we would not live
without any of these. But what do we mean by land It is the earth beneath our
feet, wherever we are. It is mountains and plains. It is wide fields for growing
com and wheat. Or it may be an airfield or a parking lot or a highway or a whole
city -- land covered with cement, asphalt, and buildings. Land is the solid part
of the Earth. Land is the soil plants grow in. That is the most important things about the land -- it is the place where green plants grow. Without green plants there would be not life on Earth. Green leaves make oxygen. All of us -- ants, elephants, people, every living creature -- must have oxygen to stay alive. We breathe in oxygen and our bodies use it. Carbon dioxide is formed in the process A. of beautiful mountains and plains B. that can grow corn and wheat C. that can grow plants D. where cities are built [填空题]()十一切法治社会遵循的一条重要原则。
A. 0个 B. 2个 C. 4个 D. 8个 [单项选择]新生儿湿疹可以用()
A. 红霉素软膏 B. 鞣酸软膏 C. 酒精 D. 肤乐霜 [单选题]根据现行规定,下列关于配股权证的说法正确的是()
A.A股的配股权证挂牌交易,但不允许转托管 B.A股的配股权证挂牌交易,但允许转托管 C.A股的配股权证既不挂牌交易,也不允许转托管 D.A股的配股权证可挂牌交易,也允许转托管 [单项选择]汽油发动机中等负荷时供给稍稀的混合气的主要装置是()。
A. 主供油装置 B. 怠速装置 C. 加浓装置 D. 加速装置 [单选题]高技能人才参加工程系列专业技术职称评审,技工院校高级工班可按相当于( )学历申报评审相应专业职称。
A.中专 B.高中 C.大专 D.本科 [判断题]在会计处理上,正常报废和非正常报废的固定资产基本相同。( )
[多选题]CRH380B型动车组每辆变压器车安装有3个直通式电流互感器,分别为( )。
A.线电流互感器 B.主变压器电流互感器 C.主变压器回流互感器 D.二次侧电流互感器 [填空题]欧美及各国志愿服务最初的主要力量来自()。
[多选题]盘型悬式绝缘子的用途是( )。
A.使导线和导线之间及导线和大地之间绝缘 B.可作为去导线上作业时的攀爬支撑物 C.是一种隔电部件 D.用它来支撑和固定导、地线于杆塔横担上 [单项选择]
Before I finish my lecture today, I’d like to mention an interesting science program that will be onTV on May 5th. It’s about an important part of the human body --the brain. It’s a new public television show produced in Hang Kong.The program will investigate how the brain functions and malfunctions. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory, and depression.These topics will be illustrated with computer animation to make explanations easy to follow.The show is not for children, but don’t worry, it’s not intended for scientists either. It’s produced for. the understanding of the general public. I think the program will be very helpful with the work we’re doing in class on the brain. I hope you’ll watch it. After the show, we’ll hold discussions. Remember, the program will be on CCTV Channel One on May 5th and it will start about 8:45 p.m. Why does the speaker recommend watching the program()A. It is required of all science majors B. It was made in Hong Kong C. It will be shown after working hours D. It will be helpful with course work [简答题]简述无线接入技术的实现主要基于哪几种类型的技术
A. 控制财产 B. 管理财产 C. 处理财产 D. 增值财产 E. 保全财产 [单选题]《铁路客运运价里程表》中,旅客乘降所用( )表示。
A.◎ B.※ C. D.△ [单选题]钩尾:( )上开有钩尾销孔,用来安装钩尾销,以便于钩尾框连接
A.钩尾框 B.钩舌 C.摆块 D.摆块吊 [填空题]各类信号接地要求包括:系统信号、直流信号、()和().
[单项选择]综合实践活动要经过准备阶段、实施阶段和总结阶段,以下活动不属于实施阶段的是( )。
A. 查阅文献 B. 实地调查 C. 成果报告 D. 资料分析 [单项选择]胃阴虚证的临床特征是()
A. 胃脘灼痛,消谷善饥 B. 胃脘隐痛,食欲缺乏 C. 食少脘痞,口淡不渴 D. 胃脘嘈杂,饥不欲食 E. 脘腹痞胀,胃有振水声 [单项选择]对组胺(histamine)不正确的描述是:
A. 肥大细胞脱颗粒可释放组胺 B. 具有广泛的临床应用价值 C. 贮存于肥大细胞及嗜碱性粒细胞中 D. 组胺主要是与蛋白质、肝素结合 E. 皮肤结缔组织及肺中的含量较高 [单选题]默认情况下, ( ) 帐户拥有访问和完全控制终端服务器的权限。
A.Systems B.Guests C.Users D.Remote Desktop Users [单选题]天气预报可分为哪些,以下不正确的是?
A.天气形势预报 B.气象要素预报 C.大风降温预报 [单选题]可以根据可燃物残留物高度判定起火部位。( )
A.可以 B.不可以 [简答题]什么情况下使用引导接车,引导接车有何规定?J359
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现早期肺结核的主要方法是
A.查痰抗酸杆菌 B.胸X线检查 C.胸CT D.血沉 E.血清特异性抗体的检查 [多选题]年度考核等次评定为优秀的,按照《国家综合性消防救援队伍消防员管理规定》《武汉市消防救援支队政府专职消防员管理规定(试行)》给予奖励,发放年终一次性奖金、按期晋升工资档次;同等条件下,在党员发展、考学培训、晋职晋衔等方面优先考虑。( )
A.党员发展 B.考学培训 C.晋职晋衔 D.评优评先 [多选题]按照党建工作责任制实施办法,党组织书记在年度述职评议考核中被认定为()的,需追究责任。
A.好 B.较好 C.一般 D.差 [判断题]发现缺陷后,检修班负责参照缺陷定性标准进行定性,及时启动缺陷管理流程。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪种组织对超声传播阻碍最小( )
A.肌肉 B.脂肪 C.肝 D.血液 E.脾 [不定项选择题]能改善舞蹈病运动增多症状的药物是( )。
A.利血平 B.哌唑嗪 C.育亨宾 D.左旋多巴 我来回答: 提交