{{B}}Text{{/B}} An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death-rate. We can{{U}} (26) {{/U}}from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years{{U}} (27) {{/U}}life began. It is a natural{{U}} (28) {{/U}}and extinction is the{{U}} (29) {{/U}}of any animal that has specialized too far to change{{U}} (30) {{/U}}its environment changes, or has to compete with a better-{{U}} (31) {{/U}}and more powerful animal. {{U}} (32) {{/U}}remarkable technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or A. against B. on C. under D. in [单选题]生产经营单位的从业人员有权了解其作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施及( ),有权对本单位的安全生产工作提出建议。
A.事故应急措施 B.事故处置措施 C.安全处置方案 D.应急预案 [单选题]在项目期间,工人在甲板上切割了一个1平方米的方孔,为了方便第二天继续作业,他在该孔洞上放置了一块薄薄的木板,夜班人员经过此处时,不慎坠落。事故的首要原因是?
A.没有对孔洞进行有效防护 B.夜班员工缺乏安全意识 C.没有设置警示带 D.木板没有固定 [单项选择]FI231/241()压机出口的冷却水指示回路。
A. 是 B. 不是 C. FI231是FI241不是 D. FI241是FI231不是 [单选题]男性,28岁,自诉突然心慌、胸闷,听诊心率200次/min,心律齐,血压正常。你考虑病人是
A.窦性心动过速 B.室上性心动过速 C.室性心动过速 D.房颤 E.室颤 [单选题]我国的银行账户分为()、一般存款账户、临时存款账户和专用存款账户
A.存款账户 B.现金账户 C.基本存款账户 D.支票账户 [单选题]对同一量的多次测量结果中,结果以不可预测的形式变化的误差成为()。
A.随机误差 B.测量误差 C.系统误差 D.平均误差 [单选题]工作期间,工作负责人若因故暂时离开工作现场时,应制定能胜任的人员临时代替,并告知( )。
A.工作票签发人 B.调控值班员 C.工作许可人 D.工作班成员 [填空题]教学反思包括以下四个环节具体经验、()、抽象的重新概括、()。
[单选题]相邻两座高度相同耐火等级均为二级的厂房,相邻任一侧外墙为防火墙且屋顶的耐火极限不低于 1.00h 时,其防火间距不限,但甲类厂房之间不应小于()m。
A.4 59 B.5 C.6 D.8 [多选题]根据《证券公司为期货公司提供中间介绍业务试行办法》有关业务规则的规定。证券公司不得有下列( )行为。
A.代客户下达交易指令 B.利用客户的交易编码进行交易 C.利用客户的资金账号或者期货结算账户进行期货交易 D.代客户接收、保管或者修改交易密码 [单项选择]一家公司研究出产品配方后没去申请专利,而将配方交给总经理和工程师各持一部分保留,这种做法属于专有技术的哪一特征()。
A. 经济性 B. 可传授性 C. 保密性 D. 历史性 [多选题]在()等气象条件下,或经过冰雪、泥浆、湿滑等路面时,应减速慢行,同时开启雾灯、危险警示灯,必要时加装防滑链。
A.大风 B.雨 C.雪 D.雾 [单项选择]Let’s try to find out why getting fiber from whole foods is important for a healthy diet. Fiber has never been (67) you’d call a healthy nutrient. Suddenly, it’s a superstar: Manufacturers are (68) it to yogurt, juice, even (69) sweetener.
But as with many (70) , there’s an unseemly back story: Experts aren’t sure that these fiber-boosted foods are (71) trying. Yes, you should eat lots of fiber. There’s no question that a diet (72) in high-fiber foods is a powerful lifesaver-it’s known to (73) the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and it helps (74) weight gain. Recent studies show a fiber-rich diet cuts the risk of breast cancer, too, and the (75) you’ll develop cancer of the small intestine. But the new foods might not (76) . That’s (77) many of them use "isolated" fiber—stuff that’s been (78) out of the foods that (79) contained it, says nutrition expert Tara [单选题] 根据陆上石油物探测量规范(SY/T5171—2011),约束平差应以无约束平差确定的有效观测量为观测数据,以相应坐标系中的已知点坐标等为约束条件,进行( )或( D )。
A.无约束平差 B.强制约束平差 C.三维约束平差 D.二维约束平差 [多选题]潜水作业时,必须选派()的人员担任,并佩戴潜水防护装具。
A. 有潜水资质 B. 会游泳 C. 救援经验丰富 D. 肺活量大 [单选题] 普通黄铜常用于制造()零件。
A. 齿轮 B. 弹簧 C.键 D. 销( [单项选择]