The Web Way to Learn a Language The young woman seated next to us at a bar revealed a vaguely exotic(异国的) air; her looks and style, we thought, made it likely that she was not American born. But then she spoke in perfect American English, even ending her declarative sentences in that rising questioning tone of many young Californians. As it turns out, however, she wasn’t from these parts after all; she was born in Iran and spoke only Farsi(波斯语) until her arrival here two years ago. What classes, we wondered, had she attended to learn the language so well "I didn’t," she said. "I used RosettaStone." Those yellow boxes sold at shopping-mall may be the most recognizable example of PC-based language learning, but it certainly isn’t the only one. With the growth of Internet conne A. Its software contains more functions. B. It charges less than RosettaStone. C. Its product is available on CD-ROM. D. It has enough material to motivate users. [单选题]进行气管内吸痰的方法是
A.自上而下抽吸 B.自下而上抽吸 C.固定于一处抽吸 D.左右旋转由下向上提吸 E.上下移动导管进行抽吸 [单项选择]政府为公众服务的服务性特点,首先表现在其()
A. 非赢利性 B. 平等性 C. 公平性 D. 普遍性 [填空题]事故处理“四不放过”原则:( )
[填空题]His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties came( ).
A.眼睑下垂 B.B C.ll征 D.声嘶 E.瞳孔扩大 [多选题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)旅游产业运行监测与应急指挥平台集成 _____ 方面能力。( )
A.大数据能力 B.云能力 C.系统集成能力 D.网络能力 [单选题]1.21 机动车所有人查询本人的机动车档案的,车辆管理所审查其( )___。
A.登记证书 B.身份证明 C.行驶证 D.驾驶证 [单选题]下列不属于中级老年护理人员应具备的职业能力的是( )
A.专业照护能力 B.心理辅导能力 C.组织与沟通协调能力 D.培训指导能力 E.法律意识与维权能力 [单项选择]印膜材料根据塑形后有无弹性分为弹性。和非弹性印膜材料,根据是否可反复使用分为可逆和不可逆印膜材料,临床常用的纤维素印膜材料特点属于()
A. 弹性可逆 B. 弹性不可逆 C. 非弹性可逆 D. 非弹性不可逆 E. 热凝固类 [判断题]对联名账户下的一张卡或多张卡进行挂失,不影响其他联名账户借记卡的正常使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. in B. at C. on D. to [单选题]班组加强组织与团队建设,班组更富于战斗力和创造力,为实现( )提供保障。
A.计划 B.目标 C.标准 D.规范 我来回答: 提交