Questions 91-95 are based on
the following passage. It is amazing how many people still say, "I never dream", for it is now decades since it was established that everyone has over a thousand dreams a year, however few of these nocturnal productions are remembered on waking. Even the most confined "non-dreamers" will remember dreams if woken up systematically during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) periods. These are periods of light sleep during which the eyeballs move rapidly back and forth under the closed lids and the brain becomes highly activated, which happens three or four times every night of normal sleep. It is a very interesting question why some people remember dreams regularly—perhaps several a night on occasion—while others remember hardly any at all under normal conditions. In considering this, it is important to bear A. their dreams fade very quickly B. they do not recall their dreams C. they sleep too heavily D. they wake up frequently [判断题]安全阀的整定压力不得大于压力容器的设计压力,安全阀的排放能力应当大于或等于压力容器的安全泄放量。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]落实党中央决策部署不坚决、打折扣、搞变通,在政治上造成不良影响或者严重后果的,情节严重的,给予( )处分。( )
A. 严重警告 B. 撤销党内职务 C. 留党察看 D. 开除党籍 [单项选择]某男性患者,37岁,矿工,工作时因坑道突然发生塌方被埋,6小时后被救出,查体:BP:100/80mmHg,P:100次/分,神清,面色苍白,双臀及大腿明显肿账,诊断为损伤性休克,为进一步观察,下列哪项指标最有意义()
A. 血压、脉搏 B. 中心静脉压 C. 出血、感染 D. 尿量、尿钠 E. 神志、瞳孔 [单选题] "SWOT分析中,S 代表的是( )
A.内部的劣势 B.外部的威胁 C.内部的优势 D.外部的机会" [判断题]抢险补修施工的定义:危及或可能危及行车安全或大幅降低行车效率的,须立即进行设备设施故障抢险补修的施工作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 通过参与文化类节目、赞助众所周知的事件等文化活动,使消费者将品牌感官愉悦和自己的经历、文化、价值观念紧密联系起来,这主要有利于提高消费者对品牌的( )。
A.知名度 B.联想度 C.美誉度 D.忠诚度 [单项选择]The best title for the passage is ______.
A. "Traveling Becomes Easier" B. "The Invention of the Wheel" C. "The Stagecoach in America" D. "The Importance of Wheel" [判断题]公安机关的职责具有法律性、无限性和责任性的特点。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某慢性肺心病人已发展出现颈静脉怒张、肝大、肝门静脉回流征(+)、腹水、下肢浮肿,何故 ( )
A. 门静脉高压 B. 低蛋白血症 C.右心衰竭 D. 心包积液 E. 慢性肝炎 [单选题]帮助卧床老年人使用便盆摔便的注意事项错误的是()
A.注意保暖,同时保护老年人隐私 B.使用前检查便盆完整性,预防老年人皮肤受损 C.注意观察拌的性质、量 D.发现排便异常现场自行给予处理 E.协助老年人取仰卧位 [单选题]全球通客户按等级可获得3至( )倍不等的积分。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 我来回答: 提交